我是一个热爱大自然的人,平常除了与大自然亲近之外,我也特别爱看《动物世界》。久而久之,我发现在《动物世界》里也可以找到学习的灵感。镜头1:非洲的塞伦盖蒂大草原的面积为30 000平方千米,草原上约有70种大型哺乳类动物和500种特有的鸟类,半年一次的大型动物迁移是世界十大自然旅游奇观之一。这里是非洲唯一仍有众多陆地动物迁移的地区。每年的二三月份,约有40万只小角马在这里诞生,以100万只角马为主体的野生动物的大迁徙就从这里开始,这也是这个星球上最为
I am a man who loves nature. In addition to being close to nature, I especially like to see “animal world.” Over time, I found inspiration in learning in Animal World. Lens 1: The Serengeti savannah in Africa covers an area of 30,000 square kilometers. There are about 70 species of large mammals and 500 species of endemic birds in the grasslands. The semi-annual migration of large animals is one of the 10 top ten natural tourism destinations in the world One of the wonders This is the only area in Africa where there are still many land animal migrations. In March and March of each year, about 400,000 wildebeests are born here, and the great migration of wild animals mainly consisting of 1 million wildebeests begins here. This is also the most on this planet