从“质疑第一台PC仅仅是打字机的替代品”的争论,到现在移动计算设备几乎无所不在的事实,英特尔和硅谷的同行们正在用行动告诉人们:科技真的能改变我们的生活。6月,记者亲临美国硅谷参加一年一度的英特尔研究日(Research@Intel Day)活动,见证了未来可能改变人们生活面貌的70余项研发成果。如果它们当中的部分能转化为最终产品,那么,英特尔将用事实诠释未来的科研方向,即一个由用户掌控的未来世界。
From the argument that the first PC was merely a typewriter substitute, to the almost ubiquity of mobile computing devices today, Intel and Silicon Valley colleagues are telling people that technology really changes our lives. In June, reporters came to the Silicon Valley of the United States for the annual Research @ Intel Day and witnessed more than 70 research results that could change people’s lives in the future. If some of them can be turned into final products, then Intel will interpret the future direction of scientific research, that is, a user-controlled future world.