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  Plot Summary(故事简介)
  American Writer Joseph Heller(1923-1999)’s satirical war novel Catch-22(1961) depicts the absurdity[荒谬] and inhumanity[不人道] of warfare through the experiences of Yossarian, a bombardier pilot[飞行投弹员] stationed on the island of Pianosa (near Italy) in World War II.
  Yossarian is terrified of flying bombing missions and attempts throughout the novel to escape this duty. He is thwarted[阻碍], however, by his superiors[上级] and by “Catch-22,” an ever-changing rule that keeps people subjected to authority. “Catch-22” works to keep all the men flying bombing missions.
   Chapter Five
  And 1)Yossarian, who decided right then and there to go crazy.
  “You’re wasting your time, ”2)Doc Daneeka was forced to tell him.
  “Can’t you 3)ground someone who’s crazy?”
  “Sure, I have to. There’s a rule saying I have to ground anyone who’s crazy.”
  “Is 4)Orr crazy?”
  “He sure is,” Doc Daneeka said.
  “Can you ground him?”
  “I sure can. But first he has to ask me to, that’s part of the rule.”
  “Then why doesn’t he ask you to?”
  “Because he’s crazy!” Doc Daneeka said. “He has to be crazy to keep flying 5)combat missions after all the close calls he’s had. Sure I can ground Orr, but first he has to ask me to.”
  “That’s all he has to do to be grounded?”
  “That’s all. Let him ask me.”
  “And then you can ground him?” Yossarian asked.
  “No, then I can’t ground him.”
  “You mean there’s a 6)catch?”
  “Sure there’s a catch,” Doc Daneeka replied. “Catch-22. Anyone who wants to get out of combat duty isn’t really crazy.”
  There was only one catch, and that was Catch-22, which specified that a concern for one’s own safety in the face of dangers that were real and immediate, was the process of a rational mind. Orr was crazy and could be grounded. All he had to do was ask. And, as soon as he did, he would no longer be crazy, and would have to fly more missions. Orr would be crazy to fly more missions, and sane if he didn’t, but if he was sane, he had to fly them. If he flew them and was crazy and didn’t have to, but if he didn’t want to, he was sane and had to. Yossarian was moved very deeply by the absolute simplicity of this clause of Catch-22, and let out a respectful whistle.
  “That’s some catch, that Catch-22,” he observed.
  “It’s the best there is,” Doc Daneeka agreed.
  Yossarian saw it clearly in all its spinning 7)reasonableness. There was an 8)elliptical precision about its perfect pairs of parts, that was graceful, and shocking, like good modern art.
  “他当然是疯子,” 丹尼卡医生说。
  “因为他是疯子,” 丹尼卡医生说,“他好多次死里逃生,可还是一个劲地上天执行作战任务,他要不是疯子,那才怪呢。当然,我可以让奥尔停飞。但,他首先得自己来找我提出这个要求。”
  “这样你就能让他停飞?” 约塞连问。
   Chapter 39
  Rome was in ruins, he saw when the plane was down. The 9)Aerodrome had been bombed eight months before. The 10)Coliseum was a 11)dilapidated shell. And 12)the Arch of Constantine had fallen. Nately’s 13)whore’s apartment was a 14)shambles. The girls were gone and the only one there was the old woman. She was talking aloud to herself when Yossarian entered, and began 15)moaning as soon as she saw him.
  “All. All the poor young girls.”
  “Away. Chased away into the street.”
  “Chased away by who? Who did it?”
  “The 16)mean, tall soldiers with the hard white hats and 17)clubs. And by our 18)Carabineri. They came with their clubs and chased them away. They would not even let them take their coats, the poor things.”
  “There must have been a reason. They couldn’t just 19)barge in here and chase everyone out. What right did they have?”
  “What!” Yossarian froze in his track with fear and alarm, and felt his whole body begin to 20)tingle. “What did you say?”
  “Catch-22 says they have a right to do anything! We can’t stop them from doing.”
  “How did you know it was Catch-22? Who the hell told you it was Catch-22?”
  “The soldiers with the hard white hats and clubs. ‘What right do you have?’ the girls said. ‘Catch-22,’ the man said. What is a Catch-22?”
  “Didn’t they show it to you?”
  “They don’t hafta show us Catch-22,” the old woman answered. “The law says they don’t have to.”
  “What law says they don’t have to?”
  “Oh, God damn!” Yossarian exclaimed bitterly. “I bet it wasn’t even really there.”
  He stopped walking and glanced around the room 21)disconsolately.
  Yossarian left money in the old woman’s lap and strode out of the apartment, cursing Catch-2222)vehemently as he descended the stairs, even though he knew there was no such thing. Catch-22 did not exist. He was positive of that, but it made no difference. What did matter was that everyone thought it existed, and that was much worse, for there was no object or text to 23)ridicule or 24)refute, to accuse, criticize, attack, amend, hate, 25)revile, spit at, rip to shreds, trample upon or burn up.
  “哎,真该死!” 约塞连恶狠狠地嚷道。“我敢打赌,它根本就不存在。”
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