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2005年的IT安全领域可以说是“精彩纷呈”:索尼一BMG在音乐CD内加入rootkit软件进行版权保护的举措以及由此造成的恶果足以载入史册、受经济利益驱动的病毒到处横行、NetSky作者Sven Jaschan等大宗电子犯罪诉讼也是不胜枚举,有针对性的木马攻击和钓鱼攻击日益严重、浏览器漏洞从年头到年底一直在不断浮现、微软终于开始踏入反病毒领域……蠕虫与木马蠕虫在2005年的气焰低了很多,全年仅有两起:8月感染CNN、金融时报等媒体的Zotob和11月迅速扩散的Sober新变种。尤其值得一提的是,Zotob爆发后不久其作者即在墨西哥和土耳其被捕。而木马则要嚣张得多,其数量已经接近蠕虫的两倍。电子犯罪诉讼7月,Sasser、Netsky蠕虫作者Sven Jaschan在坦白其罪行之后被判19个月缓刑。很多人认为,对于一个创造了最丰富蠕虫群的年轻人来说,这样的判罚有点儿太仁慈了。相反,多数人认为对Daniel Cuthbert的处罚过于严厉。Cuthbert是伦敦的一个IT工人,曾在2004年新年前夜入侵一个海啸网站,违反了电脑滥用法例1990,在今年10月遭到惩处。此外,Demon Internet and Redbus公司创始人CliffStanford因为窃取他人E-mail信息在今年9月被判有罪。警 2005 IT security can be said to be “brilliant”: Sony BMG in the music CD to join the rootkit software copyright protection measures and the consequences of enough to load the annals of economic-driven virus rampant , NetSky author Sven Jaschan and other large electronic criminal lawsuits are too numerous to mention, targeted Trojan attacks and phishing attacks are increasingly serious, browser vulnerabilities from the beginning to the end of the year has been constantly emerging, Microsoft finally began to enter the field of anti-virus ... Worm Much less arrogant than the Trojan worm in 2005, there were only two in a year: August infections with CNN, the Zotob media such as the Financial Times and a rapidly changing Sober new variant in November. In particular, its authors were arrested in Mexico and Turkey shortly after the outbreak of Zotob. The Trojans will be more arrogant, the number has been close to twice the worm. Electronic Crimes Litigation In July, Sasser, author of the Netsky worm, Sven Jaschan, was sentenced to 19 months probation after confessed his crimes. Many people think that such a penalty is a little too gracious for a young man who has created the most abundant worm swarm. On the contrary, most people think the punishment against Daniel Cuthbert is too harsh. Cuthbert, an IT worker in London who violated a computer abuse law 1990 in 2004 on New Year’s Eve invaded a tsunami site, was punished in October this year. In addition, Cliff Stanford, founder of Demon Internet and Redbus, was convicted in September this year for stealing information from others. police
早在几个月前就有相关研究人员和黑客发现了Excel的3个新漏洞,而直到现在它们都没有被微软修复。微软只发布了一个能修复Word紧急漏洞的大型补丁, As early as a few months
成人高校的教师绩效管理还存在着诸多不完善的地方,管理者应转变观念、破解误区,通过完善绩效考核的激励机制,建立公平合理的考核机制来发挥绩效考评的重要作用。 There are
We report on the verification of a multi-party contract signing protocol described by Baum-Waidner and Waidner (BW). Based on Paulson’s inductive approach, we
本刊日前与广州电大合作举办了以“广播电视大学:教学基本建设”为主题的学术圆桌,以广州电大的实践探索与课题研究为案例,研讨电大作为开放大学的教学基本建设问题。 Recen