Environmental Ceramics and modern life

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  For a long time,people deep understanding of the ceramic has a practical technology,compare the contemporary ceramic and traditional ceramic art,already has a broader space for development Nowadays,ceramic art has gradually from the practical function,modern ceramist dump ceramics,with personalized technique works present a contemporary emotion personality and aesthetic taste. The ceramic creative identity transformation trend of the contemporary ceramic art and modern art.
  The generation of any kind of art can not be separated from the needs of the society,so is the environmental pottery. Environmental pottery is the inevitable result of the development of modern ceramic art. As a public art,environmental pottery not only reflects the principle of the publicity of environmental art,but also has the characteristics of ceramic art itself.With the rapid development of society,people's material life rich,more willing to put energy into the pursuit of arts and humanities and rich inner world to go up and the environment ceramic art of this art form in the express my feelings at the same time,because of its rich surface texture and the effect of variable glaze color,satisfied people in psychology and visual aesthetic demand.
  The deepening of the urbanization process,the new urban life,is the need for full of cultural art,has the natural breath,full of the emotional needs of the people of the space environment ceramics as from the modern environment art in the creation of a new art form,the use of ceramic art practice to beautify the public environment,and to share in the environment.The environment ceramic art in any other art forms irreplaceable special performance,become a charming domain of human aesthetic activities Potters to earth as the medium,to the aesthetic feeling of ceramic materials and characteristics into full play and to shape,make it exists in the indoor space and outdoor space,in a different style and artistic techniques to produce a vitality,vigor and upward aesthetic experience.At present,the environment ceramic art in the form of murals appear in public environmental art is more,for the masses create the real natural environment atmosphere of primitive simplicity The appearance of the environment ceramic art has become a social and cultural characteristics,in the public environment art performance forms,the environment ceramic art with the role of coordination and harmony,is the most natural in the public environment art symbols.
  Environmental ceramic art the old and new art form into life,become the product of the modern environment and life,is not only the existence of space,focus on people's thought and spirit gives public environmental space,and dissolve into the daily life of the masses Whether indoor small ceramic device or large outdoor ceramic murals,the beautification of public environment at the same time,in the form of abstract art,plain fabric to meet the public demand for cultural environment and improve people's aesthetic taste.
【摘要】我国科学技术发展迅速,在一定程度上提升了工业机械化程度。但是机械加工工艺技术中存在一定的误差,对机械工业发展造成一定的制约。本文主要对机械加工工艺技术中存在的誤差进行分析,探讨相应有效的策略提升机械加工质量,促进机械工业更好的发展。  【关键词】机械加工;工艺技术;误差分析;策略分析  机械加工技术随着社会科技水平的快速发展逐渐进步,对机械加工生产的产品提出了更高的标准和要求。工艺技术水平
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