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  Like a comet
  Blazing ‘cross the evening sky
  Gone too soon
  Like a rainbow
  Fading in the twinkling of an eye
  Gone too soon
  Shiny and sparkly
  And splendidly bright
  Here one day
  Gone one night
  Like the loss of sunlight
  On a cloudy afternoon
  Gone Too Soon
  Like a castle
  Built upon a sandy beach
  Gone Too Soon
  Like a perfect flower
  That is just beyond your reach
  Gone too soon
  Born to amuse
  To inspire, to delight
  Here one day
  Gone one night
  Like a sunset
  Dying with the rising of the moon
  Gone too soon
  Gone too soon
The second week of the game brought more amazing events. The garbage was taken out without anyone being asked. Someone even did two of Kelly’s hard math problems one night when she left her homework o
Four seasons in one day  Lying in the depths of your imagination  Worlds above and worlds below  The sun shines on the black clouds hanging over the 1)domain    Even when you’re feeling warm  The temp
“七八年前,一个两岁的孩子都会数数数到15,不是他聪明,而是养成了一有哈马斯袭击警报,就得在15秒内跑到防空洞的习惯。战争伤害了我们的孩子。”以色列驻华大使安泰毅今年一月在接受《中国新闻周刊》记者的专访中如是说。这是来自以色列的故事,但你也可以在加沙找到同样的例子。  巴以冲突由来已久,加沙地带的战火硝烟似乎从未停止过。抛开政治、种族等是是非非的问题,我们应该质疑和反思的,是战争的本质和其造成的严
对宇宙的好奇,对未知的探求一直驱使着人类进行各种各样的探险活动。目前,人类已经完成了许多重大的探险活动,诸如阿波罗登月、到达南极和登上珠穆朗玛峰等。这些壮举改变了人类的世界观,拓展了人类的视野,让人类想要“站得更高,看得更远”!苍茫大地,浩瀚宇宙,的确仍有许多领域有待人类前去探索。下面就一起来看看美国Times 杂志盘点的人类正计划完成的十大探险活动,哪些是你最为期待的呢?    1) Maria
We tell ourselves lies every day. We pretend we don’t see the homeless man who is really in need on the street, extending his hand, begging for a buck. We lie to ourselves because it’s easier than loo
(Oh oh oh oh yeah oh oh)  (Oh oh oh oh yeah oh)    There was a time I was so lonely (Oh hey yeah)  Remember the time, it was on Friday (Oh hey yeah)  You made me feel fine, we did it my way (Oh hey ye
日本电影《东京铁塔》里有一幕令我印象深刻:已婚熟女喜美子不甘像一个普通的家庭妇女那样生活而毅然参加了舞蹈班,学习弗拉门戈舞。学成表演的当天,她是舞台上的领舞人。她举手投足之间展现出的气质令台下所有人都为她倾倒。  舞蹈,就是有一种魔力,无论是优雅的芭蕾,刚健的弗拉门戈,奔放的桑巴,或是激情的探戈,我们都能从舞者挥洒的汗水和扭动的身姿里感受到一种生命的呐喊。这也是为什么现在的电视舞蹈节目那么受欢迎的
The seed of a lie can be produced simply. Telling a friend you are sorry for missing their phone call when, in fact, you purposely ignored it because you just didn’t feel like being disturbed. The see
It was my ninth time appearing in front of a1)Nashville executive to sing a few songs and try to 2)snag a record deal. The first eight 3)tryouts had led to stone-cold rejections. I didn’t have the rig