美国证券交易委员会的拟议规定推动了生物技术行业的众包集资热——2008年,蒂埃里·梅尔奎奥尔(Thierry Merquiol)通过一项众包集资计划,为当时一位鲜为人知的名叫格雷戈勒的法国歌手推出他的第一张专辑,获得了丰厚回报,格雷戈勒因此走红。此后,梅尔奎奥尔开始为一些不出名的公司建立了一个类似的集资平台。在近五年时间里,梅尔奎奥尔和他的生意伙伴、法国南部城市图卢兹的WiSeed公司,为包括4家生物技术公司在内的33家创业公司提供了资金帮助。WiSeed公司的合伙人索莱梅尼-琼·加拉迪玛(Souleymane-Jean Galadima)说道:“我们采取的是民主化的股权融资形式。”
The SEC’s Proposed Rule Drives Crowdsourcing in the Biotech Industry Heat-up - In 2008, Thierry Merquiol passed a crowdsourced fund-raising program for a little known at the time Gregor was famed for the release of his first album by a French singer named Gregor. Since then, Mercurio has started a similar fundraising platform for some of the less famous companies. For nearly five years, Melquiol and his business partner, WiSeed in Toulouse, southern France, have financed 33 startups, including four biotech companies. Souleymane-Jean Galadima, a partner at WiSeed, said: “We are democratizing equity financing.” "