和同排量的汽油车相比,柴油车油耗降低30%左右,可降低20%的二氧化碳排放量,氮氧化物排放稳定,一氧化碳下降4%,碳氢化物下降50%,微粒下降60%。现代柴油机早已与“黑烟、噪音”无关,取而代之的是“高效、环保、节能、面向未来的新技术”这样的称号。 一部汽车的排放要达到一定的标准,主要取决于发动机的机内净化、尾气后处理的机外净化和发动机燃油质量,三者不可缺一。发动机技术自然很关键,如果燃油品质有问题,再好的发动机也是英雄无用武之地,污染物超标也就不足为奇了! 从无到有,以至大规模的轿车柴油化,就像一个新生的婴儿,需要从公众、企业到政府各方面的扶持和培养。除了开展各类柴油技术宣传改变公众对柴油轿车的误解之外,石油企业、汽车厂家、政府也应该提高认识,从可持续发展的战略高度来思考轿车柴油化问题。
Compared with the same displacement gasoline vehicles, the fuel consumption of diesel vehicles can be reduced by about 30%, which can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 20%. NOx emissions are stable, carbon monoxide is reduced by 4%, hydrocarbons are reduced by 50% and particles are reduced by 60%. Modern diesel engines have long been “black smoke, noise,” has nothing to do, replaced by “efficient, environmentally friendly, energy saving, future-oriented new technology,” the title. Emissions of a car to achieve a certain standard, mainly depends on the engine’s internal purification, exhaust gas after-treatment purification and engine fuel quality, the three indispensable. Engine technology is naturally the key, if the fuel quality problems, no matter how good the engine is useless heroes, excessive pollutants are not surprising! From scratch, and even large-scale sedan diesel, like a newborn Infants, need from the public, business to all aspects of government support and training. In addition to carrying out various types of diesel technology publicity to change the public’s misunderstanding of diesel cars, oil companies, automobile manufacturers and the government should also raise their awareness and consider the issue of car dieselization from a strategic height of sustainable development.