How to understand English teaching

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  English lauguage teaching can not be directly equated with specific teaching methods, can not be limited to certain teaching methods or teaching skills.And English lauguage teaching is not the teaching reference books the compilation of English lesson planning. English lauguage teaching is the concept with big meanings, and the specific method of teaching English is the concept with bit meanings. As a result, this article on English lauguage teaching for understanding: Teaching lauguage English is a separate subject, but English teaching is not an isolated subject,in accordance with its multi-discipline's basic theory, combining the characteristics of its own to establish their own independent system, which is a comprehensive subject.
  Ⅰ.Understanding the connotation of English teaching
  As an English teacher, English teaching, teachers of English teaching English to request the experience itself with English teachers in the past of teaching and learning in the fully combination, a new individual experience. Through the understanding of English teaching, can make teachers of English to choose and use flexibly various English teaching methods, meanwhile, broaden English teachers in teaching English comprehension of space and perspective.
  Cultural background:English as a second language in Chinese in China, therefore, English teaching, lack a good atmosphere. And, since the Chinese culture to the Chinese already ntrenched, gestation and influence. Students in the classroom, and master of English culture and life is completely after the conflict. Then let Chinese students in this rich connotation of han culture background of the English culture, it will accept full consideration of both cultures effective integration.
  Implement environment:English language teaching, and belongs to disciplines of communicative language is used, it must be able to express tool of meaning, can effectively convey information. So, English classroom teaching is to cultivate students the use of language communication ability. Therefore, we usually think of English teaching environment, including the classroom atmosphere, teachers, students' intelligence and passion, students and campus and socioeconomic status and social expectation factors.
  Specific English teaching methods are actually use the scope and space, teachers of English in English teaching process should fully consider the advantages and disadvantages of various methods, the choice to choose and use there. Sometimes several methods to use. For example, in the use of communicative language teaching, to hear training usually with teaching situation, create a life that the effect will be better.
  Ⅱ.English teaching in English teaching should follow the principles.
  1. English teaching in English teaching should follow the "student-centered, teachers for guiding role.
  English teaching is to cooperate with teachers and students of the effective mplementation of the bilateral activity. Teaching students should be, instead of teachers. Teacher's function is to assist and guide students to study effectively. Teachers in teaching process fully mobilize students' initiative, full of students according to the inner motivation, and the teaching effect can be well. Otherwise, even if the teacher tells how good, if students inner motivation is not effectively motivate, so the teaching effect not so good.
  2. English teaching method in the teaching practice should follow the pronunciation,vocabulary,grammar, comprehensive teaching principles In English teaching, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, three unified teaching must be integrated. Speech is the language of the basic vocabulary is language, building materials, grammar is words, sentences and comprehensive. Although each has its own independent among the three, but also closely entity. If we only master of any one of the three, can independently performance of English as the language features. Vocabulary, not only will it was dumb English pronunciation, vocabulary, not only can voice, no content can express a phonics and vocabulary, grammar, cannot not know. Organize anguage Therefore, should be integrated in the teaching practice of English pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, not each other for three separate.
  Ⅲ.The common method of teaching English teaching
  1.Approach of Teaching Issues
  In the teaching process, to put forward questions and problem analysis and solving problems of the teaching mode, thus cultivating students discovering, analyzing and solving problems, to enhance the ability of students' learning effects, the cultivation of students' creative thinking ability. In the teaching process, the students' thinking ability and innovative consciousness and not directly by the teacher, but in appropriate education teaching environment, as the result of the development of independent educators is to create appropriate student education teaching environment of progress. English classroom teaching classroom, mainly belong to linguistics, training students' listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities, if students are lack of problem consciousness, students cannot effectively master the language knowledge. Therefore, in English classroom teaching in question is very necessary to implement the new talents cultivation, it is the need that is to promote the quality education theory teaching reform, it is necessary to the vitality of classroom teaching is an effective way.
  2. Scenarios approach of Teaching
  “Scenarios approach of Teaching” is through language communicative teaching language expression of the real meaning of a kind of teaching methods. Language is a tool for communication and expression of thoughts, any language structure and unit of expression. It cannot be separated from certain language environment or situations. From the social scene, language is dedicating to exert its function on the essence of communicative activities. Educators comenius said: "all the knowledge from the start of the senses. The abstract knowledge intuitive, specific and visualization helps students form perceptual knowledge. Scene teaching is to make the students and students to display specific vivid image, and make students through specific image, perception of abstract thinking, to stimulate students' interest in learning English, so that the students can actively into learning. Teaching English language teaching, mainly to belong to the students' listening, speaking, reading and writing skills training and training. Therefore, English teaching should be immersed in the scene, lets the student from the scene of knowledge and experience life, thus raises the student positive and healthy emotion experience, enhances the student to study the interest and enthusiasm.
  In a word,correct understanding of English teaching is not only helpful for teachers, correct understanding and using various teaching methods, teaching work effectively, More important is the correct understanding of English teaching method can broaden our horizons, think of the English teaching for English teachers proper choice for their teaching methods, teaching and research and to enrich their knowledge of English teaching theory provides reference space.
  [1] 胡春洞主编:《英语教学法》[M],高等教育出版社,1990 年第1 版
  [2] 李庭芗主编:《英语教学法》[M],高等教育出版社,1983 年第1 版
摘 要 素质教育,关键在于教师的素质。摆在我们面前的一个十分现实的问题就是,新课程将改变学生的学习方式,同时也将改变教师的教学方式。在学习过程中,学生的学习方式是具有个性特点和独立性的,应该扭转以往过于重视接受学习的现象,允许多样化的学习风格。本文浅谈如何在中学体育课堂中发挥学生的个性,增强体育课的吸引力,使体育课成为学生最喜爱参与的一门课程。  关键词 体育课堂;个性;发展 ;差异;创新    
初中英语Go for it !教材采用任务性语言教学模式,融汇话题、交际功能和语言结构,形成了一套循序渐进的生活化的学习程序。在英语教学中,我们要针对新教材及学生自身的特点,重视培养学生的英语学习的能力,引导学生主动的接近英语,了解英语,掌握和运用英语。  一、要培养学习英语兴趣  当前的英语教学方式仍停留在应试教育上,如果英语教学只是一味地注重知识传授,而忽视学习方法的培养,那将会使学生在英语学
认真学习课程改革的先进理念,以全新的视角 审视新课程,走进新课程。  基础教育课程改革的浪潮滚滚而来,新课程体系在课程功能、结构、内容等方面都较原来的课程有了重大创新和突破。这场改革给教师带来了严峻的挑战和不可多得的机遇。可以说,新一轮基础教育课程改革将使我国的中小学教师队伍发生一次历史性的变化。每一位教师都将在这场变革面前实现新的"蜕变",新的跨越。  中小学美术新课程标准打破了传统美术教学的知
[摘 要] 电子琴以其丰富的音色,多采的节奏,迷人的表现力,赢得了广大音乐爱好者的喜爱。因为电子琴的这些优点,不少青少年,甚至老年人都希望电子琴给自己生活带来乐趣。文章对电子琴音乐进行了浅析。  [关键词] 电子琴音乐     一、电子琴的特点  电子琴属于电子乐器,音色极为丰富(中档以上的电子琴一般都有上百种音色作选择);多采的节奏,有年青人喜欢的迪吧迪斯科节奏,有舞者喜爱的恰恰舞、伦巴、探戈等
摘 要 随着社会的进步和教育事业的发展,体育课程进行深化改革,教者示范是体育教学中运用最多、最普遍的形式。教者在教学过程中巧妙地运用示范动作能起到提高教学质量的作用,有利于发挥教者的主导作用和学生的主体作用,提高教学效果。  关键词 中学体育动作示范教学效果     在体育教学过程中,示范是教师把整个技术动作完整地向学生示范一遍,让学生感性认识上升为理性认识,了解动作的结构、顺序、形象以及要领和方
摘 要 多媒体是辅助历史课教学的,它作为奇妙的教学工具,为师“教”生“学”提供了极大的便利。多媒体教学是辅,而我们的教学思想,教学方法的创新才是主要的,只有这两者相辅相成,有机结合,才能结出累累的教学硕果。教育现代化的脚步越来越快了,计算机技术已走进了校门,进入了课堂。运用现代教育技术手段优化课堂教学,来提高教育教学质量,从而推动素质教育。  关键词 多媒体 辅助教学 历史教学     在全面推进
随着计算机技术的不断发展和素质教育的全面推进,多媒体在学生愉悦学习、创新学习中发挥着日益巨大的作用,课堂是一个特定的空间,学生在课堂上学习的主动性、积极性是学生学习主体性的生动体现。因此,教师必须合理使用教材,灵活地运用电教、多媒体教学手段,在课堂上充分调动学生的积极性,使学生在轻松、欢乐中获取知识。    一、多媒体教学的概念及发展    关于多媒体,从广义上说“是指多种功能单一的教学媒体的组合
摘 要 游戏深受学生的喜爱,也为教师开展心理健康教育提供了良机。体育游戏是学校体育教育的重要手段,在教师的指导下,采用游戏的手段,使学生掌握体育知识、技术、技能,以增强体质,发展能力,培养学生的创新精神、竞争意识、团结合作、热爱集体和遵纪守法等良好的思想品德和意志品质  关键词 小学体育 游戏教学健康教育      体育游戏有助于儿童发展思维和促进智力发育,促进基本动作的发展,增强体质,提高儿童身
一、创设情境,激发兴趣,诱发主动性    在讲新知识时我都用生活实例和学生熟悉的例子引入,使内容趣性化。例如进行《代数式》的教学,一开始我唱了一首学生熟悉的儿歌:1只青蛙1张嘴,2只眼睛4条腿,1声扑通跳下水;2只青蛙2张嘴,4只眼睛8条腿,2声扑通跳下水;3只青蛙3张嘴,多少只眼睛多少条腿?多少声扑通跳下水?4只青蛙呢?……[2]再提出“n只青蛙有多少只眼睛?多少条腿?多少张嘴?应该怎么表示?”