英国贝尔法斯特女王大学(Queen’s University of Belfast)的萨利(GianlucaSarri)和同事制造了一台新奇的加速器,可以从光学装置中产生短脉冲(约30fs)、小发散(约3 mrad)和高密度(1014~1015/cm3)的极端相对论正电子束流。研究组利用美国密歇根大学的大力神激光系统
Gianluca Sarri of Queen’s University of Belfast and colleagues have created a novel accelerator that produces short pulses (about 30 fs), small divergence (about 3 mrad) from the optics and High-density (1014 ~ 1015 / cm3) extreme relativistic positron beam. The team used Hercules Laser Systems from the University of Michigan