豇豆有长豇豆(Vigna sesquipedalis Wight)和矮豇豆(Vigna sinensis Endb)之分.世界各国都把长豇豆的鲜荚做为蔬菜,矮豇豆的干豆粒作为重要的粮菜食品,茎杆可作饲料.近30年来,豇豆生产发展很快.据1973年联合国粮农组织(FAO)的统计,豇豆栽培面积从1952年的150万公顷增至1972年的400万公顷,增长2.66倍,占豆类作物增长率的首位.目前,全世界栽培总面积为500万公顷,总产量达130万公吨,每公顷平均产量为264公斤(每亩35.2斤).主产于
Vigna sesquipedalis Wight and Vigna sinensis Endb.Every country in the world regards the fresh pods of asparagus bean as vegetables and the dry beans of dwarf cowpeas as important foodstuffs for food.The stalk can be used as feed In the last 30 years, cowpea production has developed rapidly, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in 1973, the area of cowpea cultivation increased from 1.5 million hectares in 1952 to 4 million hectares in 1972, an increase of 2.66 times, accounting for legumes At present, the total cultivated area in the world is 5 million hectares, with a total output of 1.3 million metric tons and an average yield of 264 kg per hectare (35.2 kg per acre)