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2010年中国经济开局良好,对外贸易加快恢复,国内工业生产快速增长,消费增长较快,固定资产投资增幅回落,消费价格基本稳定,部分城市住房价格过快上涨,货币信贷调控初见成效,经济运行明显升温。下一阶段,应严格控制新开工项目,密切关注物价水平的快速反弹,坚决遏制住房价格过快上涨,保持内需合理稳定增长,保持货币信贷适度增长,积极推进经济结构调整。初步预计,2010年GDP增长10.5%,CPI上涨3.5%以上,并存在向上超过4%的可能,货币供应量M2增长20.5%左右。 In 2010, the economy of China started well and foreign trade accelerated its recovery. The rapid growth of domestic industrial production, rapid growth of consumption, the drop in the growth rate of fixed assets investment, the steady stabilization of consumer prices, the rapid rise of housing prices in some cities, the initial success of monetary credit control and the economy Significantly increased operating temperature. In the next stage, newly started projects should be strictly controlled and the rapid rebound in price levels should be closely monitored. Housing prices must be firmly checked to prevent the housing prices from rising too fast, to maintain a reasonable and steady growth in domestic demand, to maintain a modest increase in monetary credit and to proactively adjust economic restructuring. Preliminary estimates, GDP growth in 2010 10.5%, CPI rose more than 3.5%, and there is the possibility of more than 4% upward, the money supply M2 increased by 20.5%.
作为幼儿教师要认识到德育工作的重要性,以促使幼儿获得健康全面的发展。 As a kindergarten teacher, we must recognize the importance of moral education in order to
Based on genetic algorithm and neural network algorithm,the finite element analyses on the temperature fields and stress fields of multi-track laser cladding we
能在差不多半个世纪的时间里一直吸引媒体目光的政治家并不多见,希拉克就是其中一个。    经过旷日持久的反对派举报、媒体披露、司法调查和当庭辩论,2011年底巴黎司法机关以“挪用公款”和“滥用职权”的罪名判决法国前总统希拉克两年有期徒刑,但缓期执行。法国司法机关的这个判决既宣示了司法公正和社会平等,又让年近八十的老人保住了面子,不用像台湾前领导人陈水扁那样入狱服刑。而对于广大的法国民众来说,不管希拉