1 茫茫风雪天大片大片的雪花在车窗外飞舞了一夜,赶天明时分才渐渐少了.当我走出太原火车站,放眼一望,只见街道铺满白雪,街树枝丫上挑着一层层白雪,周围是一片银色世界!这是1976年3月28日清晨.大片飞舞的雪花不多了,小小的雪粒仍在降落,寒冷管辖着一切,不多的行人在雪街上颤巍巍地走着,因寒冷一个个都穿得很厚,脸上挂着沉重的神色.这是“文化大革命”十年动乱的最后一个春天,也是最寒冷的一个春天.我记得,太原的早春从来没有这样寒冷过.
A large amount of snow days large tracts of snowflakes flying in the car window overnight, daytime hours gradually disappear.When I walked out of Taiyuan Railway Station, look a bit, I saw the streets covered with snow, street branches lured a layer Snow, surrounded by a silver world! This is the early morning of March 28, 1976. Large snowflakes flying small, small snow is still landing, the cold dominate everything, few pedestrians in the snow street trembling Walked in the cold, wearing very thick one by one, with a heavy look on his face.This is the last spring of the “Cultural Revolution” ten years of turmoil and also the coldest spring.I remember that in early spring in Taiyuan Not so cold before.