妙手E海深蓝,开启成功之门 IT界从不缺乏热点,即使在寒流尽吹的2002年也是如此,PC与电信业虽然已经进入了理性的调整期,但随着我国各行各业信息化建设的大举推进和教育信息化,电子政务系列工程的启动,明显推动着IT产业又出现了两大新的热潮:一是存储,二是服务器。尤其是服务器产品,因为其在行业信息化建设中处于基础核心地位,市场需求开始变得异常活跃。特别在7月9日Intel发布安腾2芯片后,服务器产品面临更新换代,引起了厂商的新一轮竞技。需求拉动,技术推动,服务器市场一派火热景象。有关数据显示,今年6~7月以来,众多服务器厂商新产品的推出和市场的热销掀起了一个又一个热潮,服务器产品由此成为当前IT产业发展的主要推动力!
E-sea of dark blue hand, open the door to success IT industry never lack of hot spots, even in the cold bleak in 2002 as well, although the PC and telecommunications industry has entered a rational period of adjustment, but with all walks of life in our country information technology The large-scale promotion of education and information technology, e-government started a series of projects, obviously promoting the IT industry has emerged two new craze: First, storage, and second, the server. Especially server products, because of its basic position in the industry information construction, market demand began to become very active. Especially on July 9 Intel released Itanium 2 chip, the server products are facing upgrading, causing a new round of competition manufacturers. Demand-driven technology promotion, the server market faction hot scene. Relevant data show that from June to July this year, many server vendors launch new products and market hot off one after another booming, the server products thus become the main driving force for the development of the current IT industry!