Since June 2013, China’s CPI has shown a slow upward trend. In September, the CPI has reached 3.1%, and the PPI has also shown a gradual upward trend. The price composite index and diffusion index constructed show that the trough of price composite index has appeared in August 2012 and then rebounded in turbulence but the recovery process is relatively slow. The trough of the composite index first appeared in June 2012 and has been continuously Up 20 months. The average lead-time for the price-first composite index relative to the price-consistent composite index is eight months. In the future, the price level of our country will still be in the process of slow recovery. In 2013, the CPI increased by 2.7% from 3.5% in 2014, while the PPI decreased by 1.6% in 2013 and dropped by 0.5%