公元2000年2月9日,农历正月初五,薄一波92岁大寿的喜庆日子。山西画家裴玉林送去了故乡的祝福,一幅葡萄压枝,沁人心脾的《硕果图》。国务院总理朱镕基在画上题词:“薄老九二大寿,千年已越,百岁可超,朱镕基敬贺,庚辰正月初五。” 裴玉林的名字在当今中国画坛已为众多的人熟悉,他的葡萄更是在花鸟画中占有了一席之地。就像马之于徐悲鸿,虾之于齐白石,竹之于董寿平,一说到画葡萄,人们立刻就会想到裴玉林。他的画突破于葡萄,亦收获于葡萄,可以说,他的绘画艺术道路和葡萄有着不解
February 9, 2000, the fifth day of the first lunar month, Bo Yibo’s 92-year-old birthday festive days. Pei Yulin, Shanxi painter sent his hometown blessing, a grapes pressure, refreshing “fruit map.” Premier Zhu Rongji wrote an inscription on the painting: “Thin old nine two longevity, the millennium has been more than a hundred years old, Zhu Rongji congratulate, Gengchen is the fifth day.” Pei Yulin’s name in today’s Chinese painting has become familiar to many people, he The grapes are more in the flowers and birds occupy a place. Like the horse in Xu Beihong, shrimp in Qi Baishi, bamboo in Dong Shouping, when it comes to painting grapes, people will immediately think Pei Yulin. His paintings break through the grapes, also harvested in grapes, it can be said that his art of painting and grape have a mystery