On the English translation of Chinese poetry, the loosely translated poetry has prevailed for a time, has not declined, for three reasons: First, the translator’s lack of understanding of the phonological knowledge of Chinese poetry, and second, the rhythm of Chinese poetry is difficult to be completely transplanted to the translation Third, liberal poetry has become the trend of contemporary poetry. Disadvantages of loosely translated poetry are misunderstandings caused by foreign readers. At the same time, if translated poetry to reconstruct the translation of poetry, poetic interest, the translation quite literary. The loose translation of poetry abandons the rhythm of poetry or its music, but increases the difficulty of translating poetry. Therefore, it is not allowed to give up the rhythm of Chinese poetry when translating Chinese poetry into English. Not poetry translation poetry must be completely true to the original poem, nor is it where the translation of poetry must be dull. As long as translation poetry possesses the nature of poetry language, poetic translation of poetry is also good, loose translation poetry Ye Hao, are likely to be a good poem.