以 3种配比的猪粪和锯末为原料 ,进行了联合堆肥中试研究。一次发酵采用温度反馈通气量控制的静态好氧堆肥系统 ,周期 1 5d ;二次发酵采用定期翻堆自然腐熟 ,周期 30d。试验分析了堆制过程中温度、含水率、有机质、pH值的变化。对堆肥产物的腐熟度和养分分析表明 ,3种配比的堆肥产物均可达到腐熟度要求。猪粪养分含量越高 ,产物养分越高。通过堆肥工艺的优化控制和加水措施 ,猪粪和锯末联合堆制可以在 4 5d内获得高质量的有机肥 ,具有良好的应用前景。
Three kinds of pig manure and sawdust were used as raw materials to carry out the pilot study of compost compost. A fermentation using temperature feedback ventilation control static aerobic composting system, cycle 1 5d; secondary fermentation using regular turning pile natural maturity, cycle 30d. The changes of temperature, moisture content, organic matter and pH in the process of pile compaction were analyzed experimentally. The maturity and nutrient analysis of the compost products showed that the compost products with the three kinds of compost could meet the requirements of maturity. The higher the pig manure content, the higher the product nutrients. Through the compost control and water adding measures, combined pig manure and sawdust can get high-quality organic fertilizer within 45 days, which has a good application prospect.