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  Yingkou Development Zone- Pearl of Bohai Sea
  By Zhang Hongcheng,
  Yingkou is a coastal city facing the Bohai Sea in northeast China. In 1992, with approval from the central government, the municipality established the state-level Yingkou Economic and Technological Development Zone (YETDZ) with a planned area of 183 square kilometers.
  In the first-phase development of the zone, a 24 square kilometer area is earmarked for developing industries and commerce. In the area is also a residential district. Over the years, development of the area has been in full swing, with roads and other major infrastructure facilities completed.
  By October of 2001, cumulative capital spending in the zone had reached 13.5 billion yuan ($1.59 billion), of which 2.8 billion yuan ($329 million) had been used for urban infrastructure facilities. With their completion, the zone has been able to perform a full range of functions. Functioning in the zone are now a customhouse, departments of quarantine and inspection on goods for entry and exit and agencies serving foreign ships. And the zone has well-developed financial, insurance, post and telecom services.
  Attracting foreign investment has always been a priority for the zone‘s administrative committee. To date, the development zone has received investment from 24 countries and regions. And it plays host to 468 foreign-funded enterprises, of which 81 have gone into operation. The zone has actually used US$310 million in direct foreign investment so far.
  During the 2001-2005 period, efforts are being made to develop three sub-zones in YETDZ. The first sub-zone, which covers 1.89 square kilometers, will be developed into a garden-like industrial park.
  In the second sub-zone, emphasis is placed on developing logistics and processing industries. Already, the use right for a total of 464,500 square meters of land has been sold for the construction of warehousing, trade and logistics projects. Some chemical and metallurgical industries will also be developed in this sub-zone.
  The third sub-zone, which focuses on developing tourism, will be built along a 25-kilometer coastline as a sight-seeing tourist belt. In the sub-zone, a beach volleyball training base and a sea-water swimming pool will be built. To be constructed at the same time will be two sightseeing areas, Honghaihe and Wanghaigui Beach, at each end of the sightseeing belt.
  Located between Harbin and Dalian, major cities in northeast China, the Yingkou development zone has many advantages for economic development.
  First, YETDZ is close to the Bayuquan port, the second largest in northeast China. The port has 16 berths which can accommodate ships of over 10,000 DWT, and three berths for ships of 50,000 DWT. In 2000, traffic of the port included 22.17 million tons of cargo and 157,000 standard containers. In cargo handling volume, Bayuquan ranked as the 11th biggest seaport in China. With the completion of its third-phase construction, the port is expected to have an annual cargo handling capacity of 40 million tons. The port at present has transport business ties with more than 140 ports in over 40 countries and regions in the world.
  Second, YETDZ has easy access to transport facilities. It is 200 kilometers away from two international airports, one in Dalian in the south and the other in Shenyang in the north. It is linked to the Harbin-Dalian Railway and the Shenyang-Dalian Freeway, both transport arteries in northeast China.
  Third, YETDZ has ample power supplies. A power plant with a designed generating capacity of 1.8 million kw is located right in the zone and has been partially operational. In the first phase of the plant‘s development, two 300,000 kw generating sets have been completed and gone into operation. In the second phase, two 600,000 kw generating sets will be built.
  Fourth, YETDZ has a heartland which is rich in mineral, grain, fruit and aquatic resources as well as in labor. The zone, therefore, has great potential to develop a processing industry.
  Fifth, beautiful scenery constitutes yet another advantage of the development zone. Its long coastline, forests, springs and mountain resorts hold attraction to tourists.
  A group of investigators from the UN Development Program have recently visited the Yingkou development zone. Its report submitted to the Chinese government says, "YETDZ is unrivaled for the time being by any economic development zone and special economic zone in China in terms of heartland industrial foundation, natural resources, technology, talent, geographical location and port conditions."
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湛江是全国首批14个沿海对外开放港口城市之一。面对全面推进第二次创业,建设经济发达、环境优美、秩序良好、文明富庶区域性中心城市的历史重任,认真研究加入世界贸易组织可能对湛江经济产生的深远影响,制定对策,抓住机遇,趋利避害,十分紧迫。  加入WTO是难得的机遇,有利于湛江全面实施外向带动战略,促进经济进一步发展。  第一,有助于产业结构调整。湛江市的特色产品,如荔枝、龙眼、香蕉等热带水果,在加入W
中国西部重镇、古都西安确立新世纪发展蓝图,全力打造国际一流的高科技产业园区,力争在“十五”期间达到国际水平,2010年达到国际一流水平。  据西安市市长助理、西安高新区管委会主任张龙虎介绍,西安高新技术产业开发区是中国APEC科技产业园区,最近又被国家科技部列为“十五”期间至2010年中国5个示范高新区之一。    坚实基础    西安是中国承东启西、连结南北的地理中心,是中国东西大动脉和新亚欧大
建设北部新区,是市委、市政府为实施西部大开发和应对加入世贸组织挑战而采取的一项重大战略决策。经过十年的努力,北部新区将成为我市高新技术产业基地、出口加工基地、现代工业制造基地、国家环保产业发展基地和山水园林城市风貌展示区。早日建成北部新区,对于我市优化产业结构,加快发展步伐,实现把重庆建成长江上游的经济中心的目标具有重要的意义。    一、调整部署,南北兼顾,北部新区经济开发园建设快速起步    
信用证是一种广泛运用于各种商业交易中的金融工具。从功能来上讲,信用证是开证人根据开证申请人的申请向受益人开立的一种附条件的付款承诺:只要受益人提交的单据与信用证规定的条款严格相符,开证人必须履行其付款承诺。  信用证可以分为很多种,不同种类的信用证适用的场合不同。不过,根据特有的功能与用途,现代信用证有两种基本形式:商业信用证与备用信用证。  商业信用证是信用证的传统形式,是国际货物买卖中的付款和