Are academic independent directors punished more severely when they engage in violations?

来源 :China Journal of Accounting Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zfzhy
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We use a sample of Chinese A-share listed companies from 2003 to 2013 to explore the reputation damage and overflow effect of academic independent directors who have received supervisory punishment. We find that when companies violate information disclosure rules, the market punishes academic independent directors more severely than nonacademic independent directors for these violations. Furthermore, companies employing punished academic directors face greater declines in their stock price than companies employing punished nonacademic independent directors during a relatively short window before or after the punishment is announced. The punishment of academic independent directors influences the employment of other scholars in the same field and results in a negative overflow effect. This study provides evidence of the market’s differential reactions to independent directors with different backgrounds; the findings reflect the double-edged sword of one individual’s reputation on organizations. We use a sample of Chinese A-share listed companies from 2003 to 2013 to explore the reputation damage and overflow effect of academic independent directors who have received supervisory punishment. We find that when violators information disclosure rules severely than nonacademic independent directors for these violations. penalized academic directors face greater declines in their stock price than companies employing punished nonacademic independent directors during a quite short window before or after the punishment is announced. The punishment of academic material the employment of other scholars in the same field and results in a negative overflow effect. This study provides evidence of the market’s differential reactions to independent directors with different backgrounds; the findings reflect the double-edged sword of one individual’s reputation on organi zations.
浙江省按照“制度创新,机制转换”的要求推进科研院所改革,截至去年底,近90%省属技术开发类院所已完成企业化改制,其中12家转为科技型企业,5家进入企业集团。 这些科研院所在
初中竞赛题中常有一类比较大小关系的问题,其解法也是多种多样,这里介绍几种方法,供同学们参考.   一、作差法  例1若a<b<c<d,且x=(a+b)(c+d),y=(a+c)(b+d), z=(a+d)(b+c),则x、y、z的大小关系是( ).(“希望杯”赛题)   A. x<y<z B. y<z<x C. z<x<y D. 不能确定   解:∵x-y=(a+b)(c+d)-(a+c)(b+d
自改革开放以来,我国的电信事业发展迅速,通话价格不断下调,若电信部门规定:长途通话3分钟内收取1.5元,3分钟后每分钟收0.4元,你能写出通话费y(元)与通话时间t(分)之间的關系吗?其中哪些量在变?哪些量不变?能画出关于这些量的图象吗?图象又有哪些重要性质呢?带着这些问题让我们一起来学习第十一章《一次函数》.  注:本文中所涉及到的图表、注解、公式等内容请以PDF格式阅读原文。
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