An Analysis of the Opera Elements in Chinese Rock Songs

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  Summary:This article mainly proposes that the fusion of rock song "Fan Mo Life" and opera is a new form of creation and an important sign of the return of opera to "music." Music abounds. How to use rock songs to penetrate traditional Chinese culture has become the development point of rock song creation in recent years. The combination of rock songs and opera is an important milestone for rock songs,and is a kind of Chinese music that uses music to promote national culture The new form is a new fashion trend.
  How to properly popularize the combination of knowledge of rock songs and opera culture to enable audiences to understand songs while listening to songs is the real purpose of this article.
  Keywords:opera,rock songs,traditional cultural development
  Chinese Rock refers to the independent development of rock music in mainland China. Rock music as an independent type of music first appeared in China in the 1980s. Chinese rock began in 1986. Generally,Chinese rock is described as An anti-traditional tool,resistanceMainstream ideology,Commercial establishments,andCultural hegemonyThe earliest officially released rock song in China is "Nothing" by the Chinese rock godfather Cui Jian,who is now respected. Rock has taken root in the "anti-culture" on the Chinese land. The appearance of rock has caused a lot of sensation in China. After the mid-1990s,Chinese rock music has grown to a huge scale with at least thousands of bands.
  In the long history of world civilization,Chinese culture is a bright pearl. In the history of 5,000 years of civilization,many cultural achievements with high cultural significance have emerged. Various cultures and arts bloom in bloom,of which Beijing opera is among hundreds of flowers. Unique.
  One of the most important characteristics of Chinese opera music. It is a concentrated embodiment of the perfect combination of Chinese language and traditional music. It is also a product of both,so it has a unique and strong national style. It enhances the sense of music and rhythm of the stage. In pop music and rock music,language and rhythm are also two important elements,so rock music can be complemented with opera to create innovative new music.
  Music has a very big role in adjusting the rhythm of the stage. Music can make the dramatic effect in drama more prominent,and all aspects of the stage are in line with the unified rhythm,thereby strengthening the overall sense of the drama. On the stage of pop and rock music The stage effect is more important.By combining with opera,you can increase the number of people who appreciate the stage,and at the same time promote traditional Chinese culture and culture.   In the development of popular music,the accompanying instruments are also constantly updated. The original creation of popular music was entirely learned from Western music elements,and more Western instruments such as drums,trumpet and small were used in the accompanying instruments No. Because of the continuous development of Chinese popular music,people's understanding of music is more thorough,and folk styles are often used in songs. Accompaniment forms of popular music also tend to diversify. The use of erhu,flute,guzheng and other musical instruments also makes song creation It is more "Chinese flavor",and also promotes the promotion of Chinese musical instruments,so that "Chinese flavor" can be widely spread on the world stage.
  In today's era,the development of opera is not as good as before,and the culture of opera is increasingly lost. In the article "Exploring the Road to the Development of Liuqin Opera Cultural Industry",teacher Yan Ke said that "local opera has a lack of successors,the overall output is small,and it lacks endogenous development power "1This is an important reason for the slow development of opera culture.
  Songs are an important part of our usual amateur life. During the War of Resistance Against Japan,songs not only effectively adjusted the boring amateur life,but also positive and healthy rock song content can boost morale and improve combat effectiveness,and is an important auxiliary means of ideological work. The role of pop rock songs in life cannot be underestimated,and the quality of pop rock songs also directly affects people's mental appearance. "After the release of" Fan Mo Life "by the Zero Band in 1997,it also caused a considerable Peking Opera boom. This is the expression of innovation. In today's society,pop rock songs are ubiquitous,and the quality of pop rock songs is also related to people's thinking and mental state. "2The most important thing is that excellent popular rock songs can also inherit culture,so that traditional culture can be spread and developed in rock songs. Conversely,in traditional culture,such as o pera culture,a new path should be opened up,just like Teacher Yan Ke In "Exploring the Road to the Development of Liuqin Opera Cultural Industry" said:"Change the concept of development,strengthen market thinking,and enhance its own hematopoietic function."3This is the focus of the development of traditional opera culture. Of course,popular music is easy to accept,but traditional culture can not be lost. We should join the innovation of traditional culture while enjoying and creating popular music. Only in this way can we be contemporary Pop and traditional culture both bloom.
  [1]  Dong Xiaojing. Application of opera elements in popular songs [d]. Nanjing University of the Arts,2018.
  [2]  Yan Ke. Exploring the development of Liuqin opera culture industry [n]. Guangming Daily,September 13,2017,12th edition.
  [3]  Zheng Chaoqun. Research on the impact of diversified elements on Chinese popular vocal singing [d]. Harbin Normal University,2015.
  ①  Yan Ke.Exploring the Development of Liuqin Opera Cultural Industry [n]. Guangming Daily,12th edition,September 13,2017.
  ②  Zheng Chaoqun. Research on the impact of diversified elements on Chinese popular vocal singing [d] .Harbin Normal University,2015.
  ③  Yan Ke.Exploring the Development of Liuqin Opera Cultural Industry [n]. Guangming Daily,September 13,2017 12th Edition
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