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  Mr. Black: Take a seat, Stephanie. So, what’s this all about? You said it was important on the phone. You’ve got me a little worried.
  Stephanie: Here, this is for you.
  Mr. Black: Oh, what’s this?
  Stephanie: It’s my letter of resignation.
  Mr. Black: Oh my! I didn’t see that coming. ①Talk me through this. What brought this on?
  Stephanie: Let me start by saying it was, ②by no means, an easy decision. I certainly appreciate all you have done for me, and it’s undeniable that the training I have received here has ③given me a leg up in the business world. But ④I’m kind of at the fork in the road where I have to decide which direction my life is going to take. ⑤It really comes down to the lack of advancement opportunities offered by Action that has swayed my final decision.
  Mr. Black: Surely this is something we can negotiate? ⑥What can I do to patch this up?
  Stephanie: I’m afraid it’s too late for that Mr. Black. I’ve already made up my mind and I’m confident in my decision. I’ve had offers from other companies which are very attractive. To be honest, ⑦the monotony of my life here was really starting to weigh me down, so a change will recharge not only my professional life, but my life in general. I really don’t want to leave on bad terms. I hope you can respect my choice.
  Mr. Black: Stephanie, you know I have the utmost respect for you and always will. ⑧This will be a big blow to the company. ⑨You will be sorely missed. If you need anything in the future, you know who to call.
  Stephanie: Thanks, Mr. Black, it’s been a pleasure.
  Smart Sentences
  ① Talk me through this. 好好跟我解释一下。
  talk sb. through sth.: let sb. know the details of sth.(仔细道来)。例如:
  I am a bit confused about this plan. Please talk me through it.
  ② by no means 决不
  by no means: used to emphasize sth. is not true(决不,并没有), also “not by any means”(也可以成说是“not by any means”)。例如:
  He is by no means considered to be a great manager.
  ③ given me a leg up in the business world 有助于我在商场上大展拳脚
  give sb. a leg up: help sb. in doing sth.(给予帮助)。例如:
  Your family has given me a leg up in transition to this country.
  ④ I’m kind of at the fork in the road. 我正处于人生岔道口上。
  a fork in the road/path: a point at which one needs to decide which way to go(抉择时刻)。例如:
  You only need to decide what to do this weekend; it’s not like a major fork in the road.
  ⑤ It really comes down to the lack of advancement opportunities offered by Action that has swayed my final decision. 最重要的原因是Action公司没有给我发展的机会,这影响了我最终的
  come down to: used to introduce the most important factor involved(最重要的是)。例如:
  What it comes down to is the efficiency of the whole department.
  ⑥ What can I do to patch this up? 我能做什么补救吗?
  patch sth. up: to mend sth. (修补,弥补)。例如:
  He helped patch up Joe’s relationship with his supervisor.
  ⑦ The monotony of my life here was really starting to weigh me down. 在这里单调的生活真的开始把我拖垮了。
  weigh sb. down: slow sb.’s action by physical or mental burden(因重负或思想顾虑而行动迟缓)。例如:
  He didn’t want anything weighing him down when he wanted to be the champion of sales in the department.
  ⑧ This will be a big blow to the company. 这将会给公司带来很大的打击。
  a blow to sth./sb.: sth. is upsetting or disappointing to sth./sb.(打击,意外灾害)。例如:
  The layoff decision was really a big blow to Susan.
  ⑨ You will be sorely missed. 大家会非常想念你的。
  You will be sorely missed.: used to indicate the sincerity of the speaker(用以表达对对方的
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