生活水平的提高包括物质文明和精神文明两个方面。物质文明来源于科学技术,科学技术来源于对自然的认识,后者来源于基础研究。认识自然是一个永无止境的不断深化的过程,也是自然科学研究中不断创新的过程。没有创新就不能加深对自然的认识,从长远来看也就没有生活水平的提高。创新是基础研究的灵魂,基础研究贵在创新,基础研究中应该鼓励创新。 中华民族是一个富于创新精神的民族,这一点从李约瑟所写的中国科学技术史中可见一
The improvement of living standards includes material civilization and spiritual civilization. Material civilization comes from science and technology, science and technology come from the understanding of nature, the latter comes from basic research. Understanding nature is a never-ending deepening process and a process of continuous innovation in natural science research. Without innovation, we can not deepen our understanding of nature and there will be no improvement in living standards in the long run. Innovation is the soul of basic research. Basic research should encourage innovation in innovation and basic research. The Chinese nation is a nation full of innovation. This can be seen from the history of science and technology in China written by Needham.