2012年是万宝龙亚太区主席及总裁詹兆安(James T.Siano)来到中国的第21个年头。21年来,詹兆安辗转从斯沃奇集团到历峰集团,看着中国奢侈品市场从假冒伪劣到鱼龙混杂再到走向正轨,他几乎可以担当起改革开放后中国奢侈品市场发展历程的见证人。21年后的今天,当他来为颠覆物理规律的万宝龙“时间书写者II”腕表发布会助战的时候,他发现中国的一部分消费者对生活品质的追求已经胜过了对品牌的追求。各个国际一线品牌在中国已经正式摆开阵势,詹兆安的职责变得更为艰
2012 marks the 21st year of China’s arrival of Montblanc’s chairman and president, James T. Siano. For 21 years, Zhan Zhaoan has been transferred from the Swatch Group to the Richemont Group. Looking at the Chinese luxury goods market from fake and miscellaneous to cohabitation to the right track, he can play the witness of the development of China’s luxury market after the reform and opening up. Today, 21 years later, when he came to the rescue of Montblanc “Time Writer II” watch conference, which subverted the laws of physics, he found that part of the Chinese consumers’ pursuit of quality of life has outgrown the branding pursue. Various international brands have formally opened the battle in China, and Zhan Zhaoan’s duties have become more difficult