辽阳县唐马寨公社南坨子大队,有一片面积为248.6亩杨树林,1979年春栽植一年生截干苗,由于造林讲科学,扶育管理有制度,林木长势很好。据1981年秋测量,这片仅栽植3年的杨树林,平均树高8.25米,胸径11.6厘米。按照目前的长势,据有关部门推算,间伐后每年每亩林地平均收入达600元。这片杨树林为什么能速生丰产呢? 1.适地适树:当地土壤为砂壤土、pH值6.5~7.0、土层深厚、土质肥沃以及气候温和、雨量适中的特点,选用喜水、喜肥的极速生型杨树良种—沙兰杨。
Liaotang County Tangmazhai commune South Lituo brigade, an area of 248.6 acres of poplar, 1979 spring planting annual truncated stem seedlings, due to afforestation science, a system of well-being management, forest growing very well. According to the autumn 1981 survey, this piece of poplar planted only for 3 years, with an average tree height of 8.25 meters and a diameter at breast height of 11.6 centimeters. According to the current situation, according to the relevant department’s projections, the average income per mu of forest land after the thinning will reach 600 yuan. Why this poplar fast growing? 1. Suitable for tree: local soil is sandy loam, pH 6.5 ~ 7.0, deep soil, fertile soil and mild climate, moderate rainfall characteristics, the choice of hi water, hi fat Very fast-growing poplar seed - Sallam.