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  When Nicholas McCarthy expressed a wish to become a concert pianist, there were experts who
  advised him to abandon it.
  After all, they reasoned. Few young musicians, however talented, make the grade[成功] when they have two hands, and Nicholas was born with only one.
  Yet he has never allowed this obstacle to
  confine[限制] his dreams.
  Although it was said that he would never be able to study the piano, he won a place at the Royal
  College of Music in London.
  The RCM has an international reputation[名声] for excellence. Nicholas is now in the second year of his four-year music degree course there.
  He is also building a reputation as an
  accomplished[有成就的] performer, and one of the few classical musicians in the world to play the piano with only his left hand.
  His story is both incredible and inspiring.
  Unlike many musical prodigies[神童] whose talents are nurtured from a young age, Nicholas, now 20, started to play the piano only six years ago.
  He remembers the revelation[启示]: “I was listening
  to one of my friends playing a Beethoven piano
  sonata[奏鸣曲], and I was transfixed[使呆住]. It struck me then – I could do that! No problem at all.”
  There was neither a moment of self-doubt, nor a second’s concern that his lack of a hand could prove an impediment[妨碍]. Nicholas was born with a
  shortened right arm. He refers to it as his “little arm.”
  Doctors have never been able to explain why he has no right hand; neither does he waste time
  agonising[感到痛苦] over the cause of his disability.
  “We were never given a reason, but it doesn’t
  really matter,” he says. “No explanation is going to give me a hand, so it’s never bothered me. I thank my Mum and Dad for my attitude. They’ve always said: ‘You can do whatever you want, Nick.’ I just have to think out of the box[破格思维] sometimes.”
  So, Nicholas began to teach himself to play with a cheap electric keyboard his parents had bought him for his 14th birthday.
  “I had never experienced anything that came so naturally,” he recalls. “I found I could play a one-note melody with my little arm – although anything with big chords[和弦] was out of the question. I practised for hours and hours. Time just disappeared.
  “I vaguely[模糊地] knew how to read the notes from my music lessons at school, but I played a lot by ear at first.
  “One day I had the volume quite loud and Dad called up: ‘Turn off the stereo, Nick.’ and I said: ‘It’s not the stereo. It’s me on the keyboard.’ It was then that I asked my parents for piano lessons.”
  A young music teacher called at the family home, but she didn’t know that Nicholas had a disability.
  “When I rang her up, I forgot to say I only have one hand,” says Nicholas.
  “She was so surprised when I opened the door. But I played Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata for her, and when I finished she had tears rolling down her face.
  “She said: ‘That’s absolutely amazing.’ And she agreed to teach me.”
  Unsurprisingly, Nicholas stormed through his piano
  grades, accruing[积累] a batch of distinctions[级别].
  Soon, his first tutor realised that Nicholas’s talents had outstripped[超过] her ability to teach him. He had to seek a new teacher.
  He applied to[申请] the Junior Guildhall[市政厅], the Saturday school of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London, and was awarded a place to have weekly lessons with pianist Lucy Parham.
  While Nicholas wanted to continue to play his two-handed repertoire[(可演出的)曲目], using his “little arm” as a digit[手指], Lucy had more ambitious plans for him.
  “Lucy told me: ‘We don’t want you to play from your old repertoire any more. We want you to play only with your left hand.’
  “She told me there is a wealth of wonderful music out there, written for the left hand. Most famous is Ravel’s Piano Concerto[协奏曲] in D.
  “She showed me Nocturne[夜曲] by the Russian Romantic Scriabin. I’d never seen music so difficult before. I thought it was out of my league[超过某人能力范围].
  “I was upset too, because I adored the Mozart pieces I’d been playing. I’d have to wave goodbye to him, Bach and Beethoven.
  “But Lucy said she wouldn’t let me play two-
  handed pieces. She said I’d be viewed as a freak show[畸形秀]. It was true; I’d make a quick
  buck[容易到手的钱], get some attention, then that would be it.
  “I finally agreed to play only with my left hand.
  “Lucy said: ‘You’ll have to work your socks
  off[很努力地工作],’ but I was prepared to do that. Sometimes,
  I came out of her lessons sobbing[呜咽] from the
  physical and mental effort of playing such challenging pieces.”
  By then, Nicholas had an upright piano at home. He practised on it for six hours a day.
  As Nicholas challenged himself to master his new
  repertoire, a fresh ambition formed in his mind. He decided to win a place at the Royal College of Music to study full time; his long-term aim is to become a concert pianist.
  He knew it was an elevated[使提升] goal – he would be competing with (two-handed) prodigies who had been
  tutored at specialist music schools since infancy[幼年].
  He decided to take a gap year and to fill each day with practice – and his efforts were richly rewarded.
  After attending auditions, three specialist music
  colleges offered him places. But his aim was the RCM. At his audition, he played Scriabin’s Prelude and Nocturne, Opus 9. His performance impressed the adjudicators[评判员].
  “When the acceptance letter for the RCM arrived, the first word ‘Congratulations’ was spelled out in bold letters, so I didn’t have to read on to know I’d won a place,” he recalls.
  Since then, he has given public performances to
  rapturous[着迷的] receptions.
  “People are curious,” he says. “They want to see me because I’m one-handed, and I don’t mind that. Some two-handed pianists play the left-handed pieces just to show off,” he says. But Nicholas has appropriated[占用] the repertoire as his own.
  “I say: ‘Why would you pick someone with both hands to play them when you’ve got me with my one hand?’”
If you want to improve your English, there are a lot of fantastic resources to help you. Read on to find just some of the ways in which you can become fluent[流利的] in English.  如果你想提高自己的英语水平,其实有许多极好的资源
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I’ve practiced this for hours  Gone round and round  And now I think that I’ve got it all down  And as I say it louder  I love how it sounds  ’Cause I’m not taking the easy way out  Not wrapping[包装] t
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