
来源 :人民司法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qwertyuiop325
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复查是我国民事再审程序中特有的概念。是长期以来司法实践中法院对当事人申请再审采取的一种带有行政化色彩的非规范化、非程序性的内部处理行为。我国民事诉讼法虽规定了当事人申请再审的诉权,但由于法律未对再审诉权行使的范围、方式、后果等作出具体明确的规定,因此,实践中一直由法院依职权主义根据当事人的再审申请对生效裁判进行复查,决定是否提起再审,因此当事人的再审诉权在实践中并未得到实现,规范意义上的再审之诉尚未建立。为建立再审之诉制度,使再审的发生直接基于当事人的再审请求,就必须对现行复查工作的性质进行重新定值,将其改造为诉讼审理程序,作为再审程序的审前程序,以确认再审事由是否存在,这是由复查工作的内容所决定的,是人权保障的需要,符合对抗制当事人主义模式的要求,也体现了效率理念的内容和要求。同时,时复查程序的审理内容、审理范围、程序规州等进行制度上的合理建构,以保障当事人正确行使申请再审的诉权。 Reexamination is a unique concept in China's civil retrial procedure. It is a non-standard, non-procedural internal handling with administrative color adopted by the court for a long time since the court tried to apply for retrial. Although China's Civil Procedure Law provides the right of litigants to apply for retrial, as the law does not make specific and definite provisions on the scope, methods and consequences of the right of retrial, in practice, the court has always used the right of the court to apply for retrial according to the parties' The effective referee conducts a review and decides whether to bring a retrial or not. Therefore, the right of retrial of the parties concerned has not been realized in practice and the lawsuit of retrial in the normative sense has not yet been established. In order to establish a system of retrial proceedings and make the retrial happen directly based on the retrial request of the parties, it is necessary to revaluate the nature of the current reexamination work and transform it into a litigation process as a pretrial procedure for retrial proceedings to confirm the retrial The existence of the cause, which is determined by the content of the review work, is the need for safeguarding human rights and meets the requirements of the adversarial mode of party doctrine. It also embodies the content and requirements of the concept of efficiency. At the same time, review the content of proceedings, the scope of proceedings, procedural rules and regulations and other institutional rational construction, in order to protect the parties correctly exercise the right to appeal retrial.
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当前,初中新课程改革已经全面铺开。有些教师觉得语文课越来越难教了,有些学生也觉得语文课越来越难学了。针对这些困惑,本文就谈谈自己在教学实践中的一些体会。 At presen
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