1956年6月,毛主席畅游长江,心潮澎湃,写下著名的词《水调歌头·游泳》,描绘了“更立西江石壁,截断巫山云雨,高峡出平湖”的壮丽宏图。如今,“高峡出平湖”的梦想已成现实。 1935年5月,毛主席率红军长征,到达金沙江边,在敌人的围追堵截中,巧渡金沙金江,抢渡大渡河,翻过大雪山,胜利到达陕北,在瓦窑堡的窑洞里写下豪迈诗篇《红军不怕远征难》。诗中“金沙水拍云崖暖,大渡桥横铁索寒”既描绘了金沙江的山高水险,更抒发了征服天险后胜利的喜悦。如今,我们不远千里来到毛主席长征走过的金沙江上,肩负的是又一个神圣的使命——征服金沙江,让它汹涌澎湃的怒涛发出热和光。
In June 1956, Chairman Mao traveled the Yangtze River with an upsurge of emotions and wrote the famous poem “Shuidiaogetouzou”, which portrayed the magnificent grand plan of “more Li Shishan, cut off Wushan Yunyu, Gaoxia Pinghu”. Today, the dream of “high gorge out of Pinghu” has come true. In May 1935, Chairman Mao led the Long March of the Red Army to the edge of the Jinsha River. During the siege of the enemy, Qinsha Jinjiang was tricked into crossing the Dadu River, crossing over the Great Snow Mountain and finally reaching Northern Shaanxi in the cave of Wayaobao. Write down the heroic poem “The Red Army is not afraid of expedition hard.” The poem “Sands Shui Yun cliff cliffs, Dadu bridge horizontal iron cable cold” not only depict the Jinsha River high water risk, but also expressed the joy of conquering the victory after the natural risk. Today, we have come a long way to the Jinsha River where Chairman Mao had gone through the Long March, shouldering yet another sacred mission - conquering the Jinsha River and sending its heat and light to its surging anger.