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  摘 要:本文主要介绍了克拉申的输入输出理论在大学英语教学中的应用。输入输出理论在二语习得中占有重要地位。因此,在大学英语教学中要结合这一理论,采用交互式课堂教学模式以增加学生的语言产出实践,从而提高他们的语言能力。
  Abstract: This paper mainly focuses on dealing with the problems existing in college English teaching by illustrating Krashen's Input and Output Hypothesis and their implications in this field. Input and output both play important roles in SLA, and thus an interactive classroom teaching mode should be adopted in College English teaching to strengthen the students' practice of language production and improve their language competence.
  Key words: input;output;interaction;college English teaching
  Application of Input and Output Theory in College English Teaching
  Ⅰ Introduction
  Language input and output are two important issues of Second Language Acquisition. A number of different ways exist for investigating the effects of input, output and interaction in SLA, which has been largely employed in English teaching and greatly contributed to the improvement in English teaching approaches. Statistics shows that in current college English classroom teaching, students passively receive language input in 80% of their classroom participation, which leads to great imbalance of language input and output. Dominated by language input students hardly have chances to practice as a way of language output, and hence it is hard to achieve desirable teaching effects. Thus, it is urgent to find better teaching approaches with the purpose of cultivating qualified students to meet the needs of the development of society. By illustrating some theories of SLA, this paper is attempting to make a contribution to the improvement in college English classroom teaching.
  ⅡInput and Output theories
  According to Stephen Krashen's input hypothesis, L2 acquisition takes place when a learner understands input that contains grammatical forms that are at "i+1"(i.e. are a little more advanced than the current state of the learner's interlanguage). Krashen suggests that the right level of input is attained automatically when interlocutors succeed in making themselves understood in communication. Success is achieved by using the situational context to make message clear and through the kinds of input modifications found in foreign talk. According to Krashen, then, L2 acquisition depends on Comprehensible input.
  Krashen argues that "speaking is the result of acquisition not its cause". He claims that the only way learners can learn from their output is by treating it as auto-input. In effect, Krashen is refuting the cherished belief of many teachers that languages are learned by practising them. In contrast, Merrill Swain has argued that comprehensible output also plays a part in L2 acquisition. She suggests a number of specific ways in which learners can learn from their own output.
  Ⅲ Application of input and output theories in ELT
  An effective teaching process should include acceptable presentation and explanation and desirable practice activities. An effective teacher presentation of new material can help to activate and harness learner's attention, effort, intelligence and conscious learning strategies. Thus the ability to mediate new material or instruct effectively is an essential teaching skill and it enables the teacher to facilitate learner's entry into and understanding of new material and promotes further learning. Practice can be roughly defined as the rehearsal of certain behaviors with the objective of consolidating learning and improving performance. Language learning has much in common with the learning of other skills, the process of which by means of a course of instruction has been defined as a three-stage process: verbalization, automatization and autonomy.
  There are many kinds of patterns of classroom interaction that can help improve teaching effects like group work, closed-ended teacher question(IRF), individual work, choral responses, collaboration, student initiates and teacher answers, full-class interaction, teacher talk, self-access and open-ended teacher questioning. An effective questioning technique is one that elicits fairly prompt, motivated, relevant and full responses. Criteria for effective questioning include clarity, learning value, interest, availability, and extension and teacher reaction. Group work is another way to help promote classroom interaction. Learners may get more opportunities to talk by conducting a group work.
  There are two kinds of assessment: formative assessment and summative assessment. The former gives the learners ongoing correction and assessment directed at specific bits of learner-produced language with the aim of bringing about improvement; the latter evaluates an overall aspect of the learner's knowledge in order to summarize the situation. The proper ways of correcting mistakes in both oral and written work are also very important. On the whole, we should go for encouraging, tactful correction, but learner responses to different expressions of feedback are often surprising. Thus, a good deal of teacher sensitivity is needed.
  Ⅳ Conclusion
  The bulk of research on learner discourse has been concerned with whether and how input and interaction affect L2 acquisition. However, we also need to realize that output plays an important part in interlanguage development. Thus, only the combination of language input and output may ensure L2 acquisition. What's more, the effects of input and output in SLA shed a light to foreign language classroom teaching in various aspects. In this paper some suggestions have been listed to help solve the current problems in college English teaching and thus improve language teaching approaches.
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  作者简介:张彩霞(1980.2-),女,汉族,山西介休人,山西财经大学经贸外语学院 2009级研究生,主要研究方向:英语教育。
摘要:高校学生社团是校园文化的重要载体,是高校课外科技文化知识培养的重要组成部分,是大学生培养自身能力、增长知识和提高素质的有效平台。加强高校学生社团建设,是新时期大学生思想政治教育的需要,是繁荣校园文化建设的客观要求。本文以内蒙古医学院为例,系统的分析了高校学生社团在加强学生思想教育和建设校园文化等方面发挥的重要作用,并就如何加强学生社团建设提出了几点建议。  关键词:内蒙古医学院 学生社团 作
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摘要:本研究主要针对沈阳地区的大学生职业抱负进行调查,了解沈阳地区大学生职业抱负的特点极其影响大学生职业抱负发展的因素,便于更好的对大学生的职业抱负进行培养。  关键词:职业抱负;大学生    一、研究设计  1、研究的对象  本研究采用以学校性质为分层标准对沈阳高校学生发放问卷,选取了沈阳农业大学,沈阳理工大学,沈阳师范大学,沈阳装备学院,沈阳大学的学生为对象。在校内采用采取随机取样的方法, 对
摘要:随着社会的发展,一些丑恶的和不安定的社会现象也随之而起,如"包二爷","婚外恋"等问题的涌现,这些都极大地危害了婚姻家庭关系,而同时也侵犯了配偶权,笔者试图从配偶权性质分析,论论述婚姻中的无过错方借此得到救济和保护,起到了扶善抑恶,维护社会公序良俗的作用。  关键词:配偶权;救济;侵权  一、配偶权概念及性质再分析  基于婚姻性质是一种契约的分析,我们应从配偶权的权利性与不可侵性的角度将其界