The story of my first 100 kilometers race

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  At the end of May I will run in a 220 kilometers race around Lake Balaton, in Hungary, called Ultrabalaton. As part of the training for this race, last weekend I took part in a 100 kilometers night race.
  The whole thing was organized by Andrei Rosu, a well-known endurance athlete in Romania.
  I’m lucky enough to be part of Andrei’s coaching program. That means we get to see each other quite often. Recently, he offered to help me with the training and we did a few on one training session. At some point, we talked about a 100k race.
  We started on a beautiful evening, from a place at exactly 101 kilometers from Bucharest, near the mountains. The weather was nice and we were well-rested and eager to run. The first two hours of the race were almost without history. It was just flow. We ran much faster than we expected.
  Then it became dark. The group was divided in 3: the leaders, the middle group and the last group. People who were just trying out to see if they can run such a long distance.
  At some point even the middle group started to be divided. I got to run alone for 2 or 3 legs. Those legs were very wonderful. The night was still, the sky was clear, I wasn’t in pain. At the end of one of these legs, around 40 km, I took a wrong step and hurt my right ankle. Fortunately, the next refreshment point was just a kilometer away, so I could get refreshed from the damage quickly.
  Ten kilometers after this incident, we met with another group of runners. It was half the distance and just a bit over midnight.
  An important moment of the race was near the daybreak. As we went to Bucharest and the night was disappearing, the temperature was slowly starting to rise. I felt a burst in energy. Unfortunately, that was the part with concrete surface and that hurt my ankles a lot. However, as we all entered the city, now in full day light, and entered the park where the finish point was a sense of accomplishment became very clear. We were just 2 kilometers away from the finish point.
  And, just as I was climbing a small bridge, Andrei announced that we made it. We reached the 100 kilometers milestone exactly at that bridge in the park. I was really feeling tired and painful, but very, very happy. We finished in a very good time: 12 hours and 37 minutes.
  endurance n. 耐久力
  session n. 课程,项目
  ankle n. 脚踝
  refreshment n. 活力恢复
  incident n. 小事故
  concrete n. 水泥
  accomplishment n. 成就
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