
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lmnlmnbalance
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The human γ-herpes virus- 8 (HHV-8) was first described in AIDS- related Kaposi’ s sarcoma (KS) tumour samples. In this study, we report comparative studies on paraffin-embedded biopsies of AIDS-related KS (AKS) and endemic KS (EKS)with regard to HHV-8 content as evaluated using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and immunohistochemistry. DNA was extracted either using Chelex-100 or using Qia- gene kit and was evaluated with the help of a semiquantitative PCR assay. The PCR detection of HHV- 8 was more sensitive to the Chelex method than to Qia- gene. The threshold for PCR test sensitivity with the help of serial dilution of DNA was at the level of five plasmid ORF-26 regions, and DNA from 25 body cavity-based lymphoma- 1 cells. The results expressed as virus load/actin unit showed progressively higher HHV-8 levels in late (nodular) cases, compared to those in early (patch/plaque)stages. Evaluation of HHV- 8 DNA levels in tumour tissues, thus, indicates a correlation between virus load and KS stage. Double immunostaining of spindle cells(SC)inKSbiopsiesfor CD34 and HHV-8/latency- associated nuclear antigen (LANA)showed an increase in double- positive SC in the lesions of nodular AKS and EKS cases, compared to that in plaque and- patch stages. However, 10- 15% of CD34+ /LANA SC cells were observed during the development from patch to nodular casesofAKSand EKS.Our results indicate that PCR analysis is a simple and sensitive diagnostic method for HHV-8 evaluation in KS tissues, processed for conventional histopathology. The human γ-herpes virus-8 (HHV-8) was first described in AIDS-related Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS) tumor samples. In this study, we report comparative studies on paraffin-embedded biopsies of AIDS-related KS ) and endemic KS (EKS) with regard to HHV-8 content as evaluated using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and immunohistochemistry. DNA was extracted either using Chelex-100 or using Qia-gene kit and was evaluated with the help of a semiquantitative PCR The PCR detection of HHV-8 was more sensitive to the Chelex method than to Qia- gene. The threshold for PCR test sensitivity with the help of serial dilution of DNA was at the level of five plasmid ORF-26 regions, and DNA from 25 body cavity-based lymphoma-1 cells. The results expressed as virus load / actin unit showed progressively higher HHV-8 levels in late (nodular) cases, compared to those in early (patch / plaque) stages. 8 DNA levels in tumour tissues, thus, indicates a correlation between virus load a nd KS stage. Double immunostaining of spindle cells (SC) in KS biopsies for CD34 and HHV-8 / latency-associated nuclear antigen (LANA) showed an increase in double-positive SC in the lesions of nodular AKS and EKS cases, compared to that in plaque And- patch stages. However, 10-15% of CD34 + / LANA SC cells were observed during the development from patch to nodular cases of AKS and EKS. Our results indicate that PCR analysis is a simple and sensitive diagnostic method for HHV-8 evaluation in KS tissues , processed for conventional histopathology.
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王云龙,男,汉族,山西平遥县人,1945年1月生,中央党校研究生,副研究员任职资格,1966年3月加入中国共产党。中共重庆市委副书记。 1968年12月于北京工学院航空工程系兼党支部副
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