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今后若干年,中国的中小企业将面临着很大的改革任务,为促进中小企业的持续健康发展,发挥其在经济发展和社会稳定方面所具有的独特作用,政府的政策扶持显得非常重要和紧迫,目前世界各国政府都已制定一系列政策措施,促进中小企业发展,并将其作为国家整个发展战略的重要组成部分。就目前来说,我国政府正着力为中小企业的发展逐步营造一个公平竞争的政策环境、市场环境和法律环境,而就这些外部环境来说,法律环境的作用尤显重要,它是广大中小企业设立和运作的重要的外部条件,是其迅速健康发展的基本保障,它不仅使政府有关促进中小企业发展的政策措施通过法律的形式得以确定下来,而且又以国家法律特有的强制力对其实施提供可靠的保证。 In the coming years, SMEs in China will face a lot of tasks for reform. To promote the sustained and healthy development of SMEs and to play their unique role in economic development and social stability, the government's policy support is very important and urgent At present, all the governments in the world have formulated a series of policies and measures to promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises as an important part of the overall national development strategy. For now, our government is working hard to gradually create a fair competitive policy environment, market environment and legal environment for the development of SMEs. For these external environments, the legal environment plays an especially important role. The establishment and operation of an important external condition is the basic guarantee for its rapid and healthy development. It not only enables the government to determine the policy measures for promoting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises through the form of law, but also enforces it in a manner that is peculiar to the laws of the country Provide a reliable guarantee.
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