My Body or Yours?身体我的还是你的?

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  t's a tragedy that could be avoided: everyyear; more than 400 people in Britain die whilewaiting for a replacement organ for their bodies.Although organ transplants have been savinglives for more than 50 years, the right body part isoften not available at the right time simply because notenough people choose to be donors. Shouldpeople therefore be required to allow their organs to beused by others after death?
  The British Medical Association (BMA), whichrepresents doctors in Britain, says yes. A system of"presumed consent" would automatically makeeveryone over the age of 16 an organ donor, individualswould be allowed to "opt out", or decide not to be anorgan donor, if that's what they prefer. The BMA pointsto much higher organ donation rates in countries thathave opt-out systems, such as Spain, Belgium, Austriaand the Czech Republic.
  England's chief medical officer.Sir Liam Donaldson,also wants to change the organ-donor system from opt-into opt-out. All of this sounds like very good news for the7,500 people in the UK who are waiting for transplants ofcritical organs, tissues, skin and bone.
  Britain's National Health Service (NHS) currentlycounts 14.3 million organ do,'tots on a list that began in 1994.Not everyone wants to participate, however: according tothe NHS, 90 per cent of the British strongly support organdonation, but only 23 per cent are on the organ-donor list.
  Why the discrepancy? One reason is that organdonation is a personal matter. Another reason may beindecision: when families are not sure about a deadrelative's wishes, 40 per cent decide not to donate his or herorgans. Interestingly; religion has little to do with a decisionnot to donate. All six of the main religions in Britain supportorgan donation and transplantation.
  The government decided in 2004 how the systemof organ donation should work--without a policy ofpresumed consent. Opinion among members of parliamentcontinues to be divided; but the tragedy goes on: as things arenow, one in 10 Britons in need of an organ will never get one.
  政府在2004年对器官捐献机制该如何运作做出了决定一并没有采取“默许”政策。议员们的观点仍然不能统一,但是悲剧仍在继续:目前,每10个需要器官移植的英国人中就有一个无法得到 所需要的器官。
  Abz Cumin.20.sales assistant
  If it means savingpeople's lives, then yeah.It's good in one kind ofway, but for me it's abit different, rm a religiousperson. I believe in theafterlife. But if it's for otherpeople, why not?
  I'm not sure it should bemade mandatory. Peopleshould be encouragedor be made aware ofit, so that if they chooseto, they can. There mightbe some who woulddisapprove.No, I think it might bedesirable 1o make itsomething that youhave to opt out of, butit should certainly notbe mandatory. Ithinkthere'd have to be a lot ofsafeguards as well.
  Catherine Stoke21.nurse
  I don't think it shouldbe compulsory. I thinkthere needs to be moreadvertising and gentlepersuasion for people tobe in argon donation, butif shouldn't be forced onpeople.
  Teresa Seals40.teacher intraining
  Yes. My partner died ofliver disease, so I think itshould be mandatory.I've always thought yourbody's like an oldcar: once you're gone,you might as well dosomethinq qood with it.l dOn’flhink sO lf's areal_v difficult decisiOn fOmake S0mefhing in my gutsaVs," I don'T Know whefherI wOuldllkel0 be pan Ofanofher Derson"
  Mark Hewitt
  27.graphic designer
  No. It's my body, and whatI decide to do with it isentirely up to me. No onehas the right to tell youwhat you can do with yourbody. The moment theystart that, Big Brolher reallyhas taken over.No. It's like whencompanies send stuffthrough the post, and if youdon't reply, they assumeyou want a product. I'mnot in favour of that. I amfor more organ donation. Icarry an organ-donor card.
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