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外婆是上海滩的大小姐。我有时候把她想象作冯程程,不过外公一点不象许文强。外婆的爸爸在上海曾有一个制罐厂,所以外婆年轻时的境况应当很好。她的个子不高,也算不上顶美,但眉目很干净,穿上款款的旗袍,也是摇曳生姿的。外婆很早就没了妈妈,继母又总是规律性地自私,她在外婆父亲的厂里选了一个勤奋的工人,将外婆嫁出了家门。这个工人,也就是我的外公,老实而少言,初始时极度惶恐,以为这家的小姐定是绝代丑女,或是有生理缺陷之类。这个乡下傻小子当时定已绝望,却不料新妇清秀健康,不仅毫无千金之架,而且聪慧能干。他视她为珍宝,处处礼让,不忍让她有半分操劳,这种心态一直保持至今。婚后不久,外公开起了小工厂,事事亲力亲为,对待徒弟亦慈眉善目。外婆则是头脑精明的老板娘,天生的上海小姐的气质令她能从容得体地处理好各种事务,温柔而有力。后来外婆有了五个孩子,于是她便成了最好的母亲。外婆没有得到过母爱,所以她要让她的孩子享受到最和睦的家庭气氛。外婆念过一点书,我想,如果她的妈妈健在,那么外婆一定会念到大学,可惜不能了。虽然她识的中文字有限,但外婆在年轻时看的却部是外文电影。她就是用自己受的教育去教育她的孩子,所以我的妈妈也是大家闺秀的样子。 Grandmother is the grandmother on the beach. I sometimes think of her as Feng Cheng Cheng, but my grandfather is not like Xu Wenqiang. Grandmother’s father had a canning factory in Shanghai, so grandmother should be doing well when young. Her tall, not top American, but looks very clean, put on the models cheongsam, but also sashay. Grandmother had long been a mother, her stepmother is always self-discipline, she chose a diligent worker in the grandmother’s father’s factory, the grandmother marry out of the house. This worker, my grandfather, speaks honestly and without words. At first she was terrified that she thought the lady would never be an ugly woman or had a physical defect. The country silly boy was set desperate, but unexpectedly virgin beautiful and healthy, not only no daughter of the frame, but also smart and capable. He regarded her as a treasure, courteous everywhere, could not bear to let her half hardworking, this mentality has remained so far. Soon after the marriage, the grandfather opened a small factory, everything went hand in hand, the apprentice also mercy. Grandmother is the savvy boss, born Miss Shanghai’s temperament so that she can calmly deal with all kinds of business, gentle and powerful. Grandmother later had five children, so she became the best mother. Grandmother did not get maternal love, so she wants her children to enjoy the most harmonious family atmosphere. Grandma read a little book, I think, if her mother is alive, then grandmother will certainly be able to read college, but unfortunately not. Although her knowledge of Chinese characters is limited, her grandmother sees young women as foreign films. She educated her children with her own education, so my mom is also a ladylike.
血清甘胆酸对肝硬化预后判断的价值及比较上海纺织工业局第二医院张建民,许其 ,韩淑华,杨伟刚血清甘胆酸(Cholylglycine,简体CG)是肝脏以胆固醇为原料合成的胆酸与甘氨酸结合的产物,是胆汁酸的主要
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。守护平安——龙游消防全力保卫复县二十周年庆典安全剪影@王忠明 Please download to view, this article does not support on
后部玻璃体切割手术(简称后玻手术)主要适用于网脱,玻璃体出血,眼内炎等。玻璃体曾被认为是眼科手术的禁区。随着医学的发展,1968年David Kasner首先应用“开天窗”技术,第