大在一次下乡调查走访时,一位做财务工作的同志向笔者坦言:“以往上报数字都是书记问会计,现在倒过来却是会计问书记”。问其何以如此倒转,说是数字能出干部。原来数字有此妙用,难怪有人千方百计地打起数字主意,玩起数字游戏。 如此想去,干部出数字,症结在于数字出干部。说到底,问题出在用人的导向上。纵观当前干部出数字的现象之所以在一些地区和单位屡禁不止,衍成风气,大多是因为一些地区和单位的某些提法与做法,偏离了正确的用人导向,对一些干部在数字上的种种弄虚作假行为,起到了“催化剂”和“加速器”的作用。其主要表现有: 一是“不换思想就换人”。这是一个时期以来一些地区和单位在开展“解放思想”大讨论中,提出的一个响亮口号,它对于冲破旧的思想禁锢,更新观念,改变传统的思维模
During a visit to the countryside, a comrade in charge of finance told the author frankly: “In the past, all the numbers reported by the secretary were asked by the secretary, but now the secretary of the accounting office was turned upside down.” Asked why it so reversed, said that figures can be cadres. The original figure has this magical effect, it is no wonder that people do everything possible to play the digital idea, playing digital games. So want to go, cadres out of numbers, the crux lies in the number of cadres. After all, the problem lies in employing people’s direction. Looking at the phenomenon of the current numbers of cadres, the reason why some areas and units continue to forbid others and derive their culture is mostly because of some references and practices in some areas and units, deviating from the correct guidance of employing others and regarding the number of cadres in numbers All sorts of fraud, played a “catalyst” and “accelerator” role. Its main manifestations are: First, “do not change thinking”. This is a resounding slogan put forward by some regions and units in carrying out the “emancipation of the mind” since a period of time. It is a slogan for breaking through the old ideological imprisonment, renewing concepts and changing the traditional mode of thinking