学生写老师改,由来已久。从学生方面看,大多数学生拿到批改后的作文,一看分数,二看评语,三塞书包。在他们看来,写是自己的事,改是老师的事。教师从指导学生写作文,喋喋不休地“引导”,苦口婆心地“启发”,到伏案精批,一篇篇,一遍遍,可谓煞费苦心,付出了艰辛的劳动。结果却事倍功半,得不偿失。这不能不说是作文教学中的一大弊端。 古人云:“文章不厌百回改”、“善作不如善改”。何其芳同志曾说过:“修改是写作的一个重要部分,古今中外,凡是文章写得好的人,大都在修改上用过功夫。”鲁迅先生也谆谆教导我们:“写完后至少看两遍,竭力
Students write teachers to change, a long time. From the student perspective, most students get the modified composition, a look at the scores, two reviews reviews, three school bags. In their view, writing is their own thing, change is the teacher's thing. Teachers from teaching students to write essay, chatter endless “guide”, earnestly “inspiration” to the fine case of criticism, an article, over and over again, can be described as painstaking efforts to pay the hard work. The result is less effective, not worth the candle. This can not but be a major drawback in composition teaching. The ancients said: “The article does not tire of 100 reform”, “good work better than good.” Comrade He Qifang once said: “Amendment is an important part of writing. All the people who write well at any time and in all countries, most of whom have spent time in the process of revision,” Mr. Lu Xun also taught us: "At least two Time and effort