The Significance and Application of Business Etiquette in International Business

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  【Abstract】With the globalization of world economy, international trade has been accelerated since 1990s. International commercial communication becomes unprecedented frequently and business etiquette is playing an increasingly important part in it. If a person has no manners at all, his learning or working will not be smooth because no one is willing to get along with such a person. The world economy is developing, especially the integration of world economy, strengthening the relationship between countries and commercial exchanges. Many enterprises have the platform to show their talent, not only the outstanding ability, but also the effective and splendid communication to set up a good interpersonal relationship, great corporate image appropriately. At the same time, business etiquette counts for a great deal.
  【Key words】international trade; business etiquette; commercial communication
  In Business Etiquette we will discuss what the business community wants from their employees and how should do to reach their expectations. Business etiquette helps to create a smooth business people network. Business etiquette is made up of two things. In the first instance, carefully consider the interests and feelings of others. In the next place, minimize misunderstandings as much as possible. These are affected by personal behavior and demeanor while business etiquette has a guiding role in it. Business etiquette varies from country to country. People are caught in a dilemma because the focus on international business etiquette is difficult to balance while other business activities are underway. Therefore, it’s wise to be keen on pivotal backbone of business etiquette. Courtesy is something used every single day which makes a good impression on others. It’s important to learn to be polite wherever you are and whoever you are with.
  1. The Significance of Business Etiquette
  Good business etiquette implies confidence because the individual knows what to say and how to say. For example, when handling a customer who is in an upset mood, an employee can bring the customer to a private room, listen carefully and make a claim response with a good manner and confidence.
  1.1 Keep misunderstanding away
  Careful treatment of business etiquette in your company will help keep misunderstandings away because proper etiquette needs everyone communicate to each other professionally, clearly and honestly. Honesty is highly appreciated in business trading. If a manager describes the mistake he made honestly rather than trying to cover it up, the client maybe feel respected and will set up a long-term business relationship with the manager. People are willing to purchase items and services from those they have good manners. Entrepreneur should require perfect etiquette from employees.   1.2 Contribution to a good working environment
  Good business etiquette has contributed to a good working environment. Management and staff treat each other with a good business attitude of being respect and sensitive, which creates a positive working atmosphere. For example, when the staff took the time to thank the work of colleagues, it will make the work more harmonious. Employees may be more motivated and optimistic with work when they feel in a comfortable environment. The entire company should emphasize good etiquette, lacking of etiquette may disrupt everyone’s working environment. Proper etiquette makes a base for clients and customers while the business has a professional environment and contributes to the company’s profitability. Professional behavior helps set a strong relationship among management, employees and clients because appropriate etiquette requires fair treatment with every single one.
  1.3 The influence of bad business etiquette
  Bad business etiquette often affects individuals by compromising their business etiquette and short-term productivity. It’s wrong for them to think that good business etiquette is the benefits that can hinder efficiency. For example, they may not take any time to say “please” or “thanks” but call out what they think motivating people to act quickly. Bad business etiquette may have an impact on the organization. If senior managements are rude, they will communicate their behavior as acceptable information, and other employees may do so. The result may be a part of the organization’s corporate culture. Ultimately, this may lead to employee’s dissatisfaction and customers’ loss. This behavior may damage your relationship with others at work. In the long run, this may prevent you from accepting job promotion and even job hopping. The business world is becoming more competitive. Your success will depend on how you present yourself, including your attitude and appearance with others.
  2. Applications of Business Etiquette in International Business Activities
  From the perspective of personal accomplishment, business etiquette enhances a person’s intrinsic cultivation and quality. From the perspective of communication, business etiquette can be said to be an art, a way of communicative approach applicable to interpersonal communication. It is the regulation of interpersonal relationship in the custom which shows people the respect so that we can interact with others and socialize. Business etiquette holds the spirit of considering for others, which are constraints of our daily business activities in all aspects.   2.1 Face-To-Face Etiquette
  Face-to-face etiquette is the most common ritual in business etiquette. The most charismatic language of mankind is a smile. It will give people a kind of affinity, please come up with your beautiful smile in a business activity. Face-to-face etiquette contributes a lot to the interaction between people, especially in the service industry. The better business etiquette you have, the better first impression you will get.
  Take interview etiquette for example. You will be surprised that you are often judged by some personality tendency or body language you have never notice before. The first thing of an interviewer is to greet. Most people like others call them first name and greeting in this way will minimize the risk of offending. At an interview, you should ensure your phone is off, not on vibrate. The last thing you need is breaking concentration during maybe the most important meetings in your whole life. Others can still hear the sound of your cell phone in vibrate mode
  Body language plays a very important role in interview etiquette. Communication experts tell us that nonverbal communication takes 80% in a talk. It’s one of the best ways to communicate with others and set up trust to look directly into their eyes. Therefore, eye contact contributes a lot in a group interview. It will be right forever to look at the interviewer’s eyes and keep smile. Eyes are the windows to your soul and usually send the message that you are reliable.
  2.2 Nonface-To-Face Etiquette
  Business activitiy is not only face to face communication but also long distance communication. Long-Distance communication is not like face to face, you have no chance to observe the expressions people to adjust your behavior. The only way to avoid a mistake is to arm with the best long-distance etiquette.
  For a considerable number of enterprises, the phone is a main part in business even if we are already in a computer age. Companies need them to call and contact buyers, suppliers, business partners and other customers. The phone is of great value because it is the only way that workers can be contacted at any time during the working hours. It is not enough for a outstanding enterprise that just aware the importance of the phone. It is equally important to arm with the ability to distinguish good phone etiquette from a bad one.
  Business staff must learn how they communicate with customers over the phone. Communicating on the phone will have a positive or negative impact on the business. In the hands of untrained staff, telephone may bring an unexpected negative effects even destroy an order. Therefore, companies train staff being good at telephone etiquette in a correct way. The way to start a good phone is to greet the person answering the phone. You must be ready to show a positive spirit at the moment when the phone is connected. In the first call, you should introduce yourself with the name of your company. When arranging a conference call, you should make sure that each party is avilable. The most important thing is your judgment on the talk duration to avoid interruption from two sides.   3. Conclusion
  Professional business etiquette is the most important thing in life but it is also one of the most neglected parts. If you don’t know the basic rules of etiquette, you are most likely to make many mistakes unconsciously when you meet new customers. You may seem like making an innocent mistakes but it could easily be misinterpreted as intentional behavior because you offend the business etiquette. It is a kind of way of looking forward to a society of people, occupation and cultural significance. The person with business etiquette is considered to be familiar with the business acumen. Business etiquette mainly concentrated in dealing with people’s politeness and respecting attitude.
  [1]Crawford,S.Y.(2011).An innovative seminar course in business etiquette for pharmacy graduate students.American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education,76(9),177.
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