在教学上怎样引进“摩尔”和跟它有关的概念是一个值得探讨的问题。本刊今年第二辑中发表《用原子质量计算阿佛加德罗常数的教学建议》一文,可供采用引导教学法的同志们参考。这里发表的直观教学法,其中运用比喻来加深学生对摩尔和跟它有关概念的理解,适合于基础知识一般的班级。希望同志们通过实践,跟引导教学法进行对比,总结经验,互相交流。 为了充分发挥同志们的积极性和创造性,作者仅提供了直观教学法教学顺序的纲目和事例,具体教学计划留待同志们针对实际情况自行编撰。
How to introduce “Moore” and its related concepts in teaching is a question worth exploring. In this issue of the second issue of this volume, the article “Afgardot Constant’s Teaching Suggestions Using Atomic Mass Calculations” is available for reference by comrades who use the guided pedagogy. The intuitive teaching method published here uses metaphors to deepen students’ understanding of Moore and its related concepts and is suitable for classes with basic knowledge. We hope that comrades will compare their experience with practice and guide their teaching methods. In order to give full play to the enthusiasm and creativity of the comrades, the author provided only the outlines and examples of the instructional teaching method of the intuitive teaching method. The specific teaching plan was left to the comrades to compile themselves for the actual situation.