被马克思誉为“英国唯物主义和整个现代实验科学真正始祖”的弗兰西斯·培根(Francis Bacon 1561—1626年)一生著述甚丰。其于1597年初版、1612、1625年两度增订再版的《论说文集》(Essays)风靡一时,集中展示了培根社会政治方面的思想与情怀。细心研读,不难发现这些文章是作者妙用匠心锻炼自己人生经验的产物,无不闪烁着思想者智慧的光芒。收录其中的《论司法》篇,主要言及司法官的职责,所应有的品质与素养,以及不公判裁所致的社会危害,表达
Francis Bacon (1561-1626) hailed as “The True Patriarch of British Materialism and Modern Experimental Science” by Marx was very well-written throughout his life. Its first edition in 1597, the 1612, 1625 twice updated and reprinted “Essays” all the rage, focused on demonstrating Bacon’s social and political thoughts and feelings. Careful study, is not difficult to find these articles is the author of the magical effect of their own life experience of product, all flashing the wisdom of thinkers light. Included in the “On Justice”, mainly on the responsibility of the judge, the due quality and accomplishment, as well as injustice caused by the social harm caused by the referee, the expression