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在台湾有这样一所学校,学生年龄大多在15~18岁之间。在全校三千多学生中,每年因违反校规校纪被校方开除的有二三百人。学校没有工人,没有保安,没有大师傅,一切必要的工种都由学生自己去做。学校实行学长制,三年级学生带一年级学生。全校集合只需3分钟。学生见到老师七米外要敬礼。学生没有寒暑假作业,没有一个考不上大学的。这就是台湾享誉30年的以道德教育为本的忠信高级工商学校。在台湾的各大报纸招聘广告上,经常出现“只招忠信毕业生”的字样。是谁把一所中学办得这样有规有矩、有声有色呢?这位老师叫高震东,今年65岁,他创立的台湾忠信高级工商管理学校及其《中信教育法》在台湾已使数十万人受益。近年来,高老师多次应邀来大陆讲学,已被山东、云南、贵州、湖南、华中、河南、河北等十多所大学授予客座教授或成教院“名誉院长”的称号。他长达五个多小时的“道德·教育·爱国”演讲打动了无数家长、教师和领导的心,更令广大在校学生反思良久。现在,我们将其演讲的部分内容整理成文刊出,相信大家会从中领略到高老师的人格风范及其爱国激情。希望大家能从中领悟些什么…… There is such a school in Taiwan. The students are mostly between 15 and 18 years old. Among the more than 3,000 students in the school, there are two to three hundred people who are dismissed by the school each year because of violations of school regulations. The school has no workers, no security, no masters, and all necessary jobs are done by the students themselves. The school implements the system of faculty, with third-year students carrying first-year students. The entire school collection takes only 3 minutes. Students meet the teacher seven meters away to salute. Students do not have winter and summer homework, and none of them can’t go to college. This is Taiwan’s 30-year-famous moral education-based business school. In the major newspaper advertisements in Taiwan, the words “only recruiting faithful graduates” often appear. Who taught a high school to be such a decent person who has a reputation for being able to behave like this? This teacher is called Gao Zhendong, who is 65 years old this year. The Taiwan Zhongxin Advanced Business Management School and his “CITIC Education Law” created by him have made hundreds of thousands in Taiwan. People benefit. In recent years, Gao has been invited to the mainland to give lectures on many occasions and has been awarded the title of visiting professor or honorary president of more than ten universities in Shandong, Yunnan, Guizhou, Hunan, Central China, Henan and Hebei. His “moral, educational, and patriotic” speech lasting more than five hours impressed the hearts of countless parents, teachers, and leaders. It also made the students in the school reflect for a long time. Now, we have organized some of the contents of our speeches into articles. I believe that everyone will appreciate the personality of high teachers and their patriotic passions. I hope everyone can understand something from this...
在英语教学中, 如果能引导学生在更广泛的思维空间去感知英语的存在,触及之处时时迸发成就感那么, 英语一定能开启更多人的心扉, 在更多学生的心中燃起一束束绚丽的语言之花
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全日制普通高级中学教科书(必修)《物理》第二册第1 64页练习一第( 3 )题有一实验(图1 8-6)可听到声音的干涉现象,笔者设计了一个声波干涉实验既可闻其声还可见其“影”.1 
我应该感谢那位不喜欢我的老师使我体验到什么叫失宠。我需要有这种体验来防止自己因得宠于其他老师而头脑发热,忘乎所以。 I should thank the teacher who did not like m