自1973年 Ritchie 报道了肠易激综合征患者结肠气囊扩张疼痛阈值下降以来,内脏高敏感这一致病机制备受关注,但对内脏高敏感发生的原因和机制尚缺乏深入研究。研究显示,内脏高敏感大鼠结肠和脊髓5-羟色胺(5-HT)表达增加,但高级中枢5-HT 表达情况尚未见报道。我们通过建立内脏高敏感大鼠模型,研究大脑中5-HT 分布和表达情况。
Since 1973, Ritchie reported irritable bowel syndrome in patients with colon balloon dilatation pain threshold decreased visceral hypersensitivity, the pathogenesis of concern, but the cause and mechanism of visceral hypersensitivity is the lack of further study. Studies have shown that visceral hypersensitivity in the colon and spinal cord increased serotonin (5-HT) expression increased, but the expression of the central 5-HT has not been reported. By establishing a rat model of visceral hypersensitivity, we investigated the distribution and expression of 5-HT in the brain.