Can Quality and Efficiency of Translation be Improved by Online Search Engines?

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  【Abstract】Search engines are programs that contain large indexes of millions of websites, which is not only beneficial for terminology mining but also for background accessing. Although quality and reliability of search engines are questionable, this essay will attempt to argue that quality and efficiency of translation can be improved as long as translators use them properly.
  【Key Words】Terminology; Online Dictionaries; Online Corpora
  1. Introduction
  Various online resources provided by the Internet are either used to extract terminology or as a communication platform. Although information offered by search engines is sometimes lacking in accuracy and reliability, this essay will attempt to argue that translation quality and efficiency can be upgraded if translators apply appropriate search engines.
  2. Search Engines and Terminology Sourcing/Mining
  The main part of a translator’s work is to identify equivalence in specialized terms (Bowker, 2002). General search engines such as Google and Yahoo are usually individual ones compiling their own databases on the web. Although they are useful for general information searching, it may be argued that translators are not always able to retrieve the most useful information. Sometimes, after a long period of searching, translators only access irrelevant information. Thus, they can “activate phrases search by enclosing the search words in quotes” (Austermuhl, 2001). Advanced searching can also be applied to improve the efficiency of searching. By specifying the search in various ways, translators can filter out information that does not meet certain criteria and reduce the number of results.
  Some search engines are highly specialized in one area or focus on one subject, such as, and so on. They are more useful when translators are dealing with more specialized terms and the information they provide is often more reliable. A disadvantage of them is that translators have to search for terms by clicking on different categories that is time-consuming. Accordingly, translators can pay attention to those most useful ones and save them for reuse.
  3. Search Engines Contrasted with Online Dictionaries and Online Corpora
  3.1 Search engines and online monolingual dictionary
  Monolingual online dictionaries mainly focus on offering the expression of a given idea in a given context. Translators are inclined to use them for making sense of how the expression of the term should be used in a specific translation project. However, it sometimes offers inadequate information on how words are used in different contexts. In this regard, the aid of search engines is important since translators can benefit from better understanding the usage of a term and choose the most suitable one in a given context.   3.2 Search engines, online bilingual dictionary and comparable bilingual corpora
  Online bilingual dictionaries facilitate translators in understanding a given lexical item in the source text in order to translate it into their own language. The user-friendliest feature of them is they can be coupled with editing environments. Translators can copy and paste the extracted results into their translation workbench, save tying time and avoid spelling mistakes. However, online bilingual dictionaries lack reliability since lexicographers for online dictionaries tend to collect word lists from major general publishers. Thus, translators need the aid of other tools to double-check the validity of information.
  A monolingual corpus can help translators choose natural, “native like” turns of phrase that are appropriate to the communicative situation in the target text. Online monolingual corpora are able to provide solutions for specialised terms. However, compared with search engines, the speed to obtain results is not quick enough and sometimes the translator cannot find what they want because of the quantity of corpora entries. Under such circumstances, the translator can “formulate a hypothesis and try to confirm it by querying the Web using search engines” (Zanettin, Bernardino and Stewart, 2003).
  4. Conclusion
  In conclusion, search engines are indeed helpful in improving the quality and efficiency of translators’ work since they can obtain valuable and reliable material through applying suitable search approaches. Regarding search engines as the main tool, translators can also refer to other online resources by building up their reference hierarchy, usually from micro level to macro level and then back to micro level.
  [1]Austermühl,F.Electronic Tools for Translators[J].Manchester:St.Jerome Publishing,2001.
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【摘要】英语写作教学作为英语教学的重要组成部分,需要教师在实际教学过程中积极进行教学模式和教学方法的改革和创新。支架式 教学能有效解决英语写作教学中存在的问题,能够有效提高学生的英语写作水平。支架式教学应当为学习者建构对知识的理解提供一种概念框架,用于促进学习者对问题的进一步理解。教师在英语写作教学中应不断为学生提供或搭建适当的支架,形成“确定最近发展区、选择教学任务、提供支架、进入情境、合作探究
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有一种说法是:如果西藏是“世界的屋脊”,那么阿里便是“世界屋脊的屋脊”;如果西藏是“人类之谜”,那么阿里便是“人类的谜中之谜”。没错,无论是阿里的美还是阿里的荒凉都是极致的。  从“雪山围绕的普兰”到“岩石围绕的扎达”,再到“湖泊围绕的日土”——这传说中的“阿里三围”就像是沙漠中开出的三朵水莲花,以自己的存在证明着阿里与世隔绝的孤独和苍凉。    普兰:  雪山在哪里,神就在哪里  普兰县位于阿里