学术性期刊重点报道的配置 曹作华、田力在《编辑学报》2003年第1期撰文总结了自己两年来配置学术性期刊重点报道的实践与体会,认为:紧跟学科发展需要,充分考虑来稿情况,征询专家及读者的建议,及时确定报道的意图,是重点报道的前提。提出重点报道内容配置的主要方法有:①集中刊登与重点报道意图相
Cao Zuhua, Tian Li, editors and journalists in the first issue of 2003, summarized the practice and experience of focusing on the coverage of academic periodicals in the past two years, and concluded that in keeping with the needs of subject development, taking full account of the manuscript situation, Consult experts and readers of the proposal, the timely determination of the intent of the report is the premise of key reports. Proposed key content configuration reporting the main methods are: ① concentrated publication and focus on the intent of the story