How to stimulate students’ interest in English teaching in middle school

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  【Abstract】Einstein said: interest is the best teacher in the new curriculum standards of middle school English teaching, teachers to cultivate and maintain students’ strong interest in learning, arouse students’ interest and curiosity, in each teaching link to increase interest.
  【key words】the new curriculum standard; English learning interest; in middle school
  1.To create a harmonious relationship between teachers and students
  Relationship between teachers and students is the basic premise of human nature if educators believe that human nature is laziness cosy, conscience needs strict teachings to enlightenment, then the hereditary relationship between teachers and students should be the most effective traditional teacher way dignity, is the embodiment of the relationship between teachers and students of authoritative modern educational concept that: human nature is positive upward, with growth and the potential of the enterprise, the purpose of education is to develop the potential of promoting the healthy development of people, and the hereditary relationship between teachers and students will definitely kill children’s creativity and genius to create a harmonious and harmonious relationship between teachers and students Relaxed and happy learning environment, the use of flexible teaching methods, let students do middle school learning, so as to stimulate interest, learn initiative, improve efficiency, this is very important Although not also can’t be fixed on interesting teaching patterns, but interest teaching are discussed in these aspects and to pursue the effect is the same in the classroom teaching should pay special attention to use more than ten minutes before the class to create a good classroom atmosphere.
  2.Let the students enjoy the joy of success
  To ask students to achieve academic, is bound to make them have a feeling of success for success is a common human nature even a little bit of progress, also make the students feel happy, is one of the students are willing to continue to study the power when a student’s academic progress, the teacher to student’s result to give correct evaluation, timely praise encouraged, would make them feel the glory of success, a positive learning motivation.
  In class the teacher often use encouraging language, can stimulate the learning motivation of success, so as to stimulate students’ interest in learning, such as said to answer this question good students Very good You re Very clever Great, sometimes also with the help of the classmates of applause to encourage students to hear the voice of the affirmation and praise, will be filled with joy, their cerebral cortex is in a state of excitement is active, can effectively stimulate interest in learning.   3.Apply what you have learned
  Our primary and middle school students learning English, most complete in class, seldom have applied if the actual environment in the teaching of English to add some extracurricular practice, let students feel the use of English, learning English would be more motivated and more interested in the content and forms of extracurricular activities should not stick to one pattern, through such a variety of practical application of knowledge, feel learning English is useless, they naturally will be more and more interest in learning English to learn to put this to use, and the English learning more so we have to let the students learn English, can speak English For this, each class, the author will take about five minutes time to let the student to the front of the stage show their own textbooks show specific practices are as follows: before class, by the on Duty that day (two) first as a Duty Report in English, content week weather then date the attendance by both on Duty, or they invited another two or three classmates, show their class has organized skits, plot can according to the text has studied, can also set your situation, but the type of lines must use has been studied Are doing so in order to revise my old lessons, and this review is not a simple repetition, but a kind of creation, is the use of language, so as to deepen the understanding of new content, ultimately achieve knowledge from textbooks play, allow students to review to consolidate old knowledge in laughter, to avoid the questions from students nervous suffocation review method, and has achieved far more than the latter, the author have experience greatly, some students after graduation, still longed for their English class five minutes show this method can make the students in active learning state, also can develop the students’ ability of creative thinking.
  In a word, a successful English teacher should consciously cultivate students’ lasting interest in English in his teaching, encourage students to keep in a better learning state, and make them happy to learn English and learn it well.
【摘要】英语学科是初中教育的一项基础性学科,小组合作学习法是素质教育背景下的优质教学方法,初中英语教师加强对小组合作学习方法的运用研究具有一定的必要性,有利于优化课堂教学,实现高效教学。  【关键词】初中英语;合作学习;评分机制;知识竞赛  【作者简介】陈晓屹,辽宁省大连市一〇一中学。  小组合作学习法是初中英语教学研究中的一项重要课题,也是教学实践中的一个有效方式。合作学习的方式有利于学生加强与
【摘要】 中国茶文化是最早进入英语世界的中国传统文化之一,但是中国茶名英译存在的一词多译问题,阻碍了中国茶文化在英语世界的传播与发展。本文基于OED,BNC和COCA中的茶名英译和流通度,分析中国茶名英译的传播现状,为茶的英译提供合理的翻译策略,以促进中国茶文化在英语世界的流通和传播。  【关键词】茶名;英译;策略;BNC;COCA  【作者简介】周楠,程丽霞,大连理工大学外国语学院。  【基金项
【摘要】作为新课程改革下的初中英语教师,从新课程标准的教学理念出发,研究思维导图的辐射,可见性和灵活性的特点,运用思维导图加强学生对于英语单词,短语和句子的掌握,引领学生深入理解英语阅读,帮助学生建立英语写作知识网络,有效发挥思维导图的作用。  【关键词】初中英语;复习;思维导图;应用  【作者简介】赵洁,江苏省常州市武进区横林初级中学。一、介绍思维导图并对初中英语进行單元审查  目前,由于应试教
【摘要】针对扩招百万的生源趋势,高职院校如何从普通的教学模式向网络化教学模式转变,完善终身学习和培训体系,是英语教学改革的关键。本文基于移动网络平台,对高职英语教学进行混合型教学实践研究。  【关键词】移动网络平台;高职英语;混合型教学  【作者简介】王红玲(1972-),女,甘肃天水人,甘肃工业职业技术学院讲师,文学硕士,研究方向:英美文学和英语教学。一、前言  2019年《政府工作报告》鲜明地
【摘要】随着大学英语教育教学改革的不断推进,英语翻译水平和能力的提升逐渐受到教师的重视。本文从大学英语翻译教学中存在的问题出发,提出了英语翻译重视程度、学生英语翻译水平和英语翻译教学开展三个方面的问题。并以此作为改进要点,提出了提高英语翻译重视程度、改进课程结构并增加翻译教学比例以及提升教学水平,更新教学方法三个改进策略。让学生在感受英语情境和思维的过程中,真正提升学生英语翻译水平。  【关键词】
【摘要】英语学科核心素养自提出以来,理论层面和实践层面之间的联系一直存在着巨大空间。如何在英语学科核心素养理念的指引下进行英语教学,是笔者一直在思考的问题。本文,笔者将以一堂初中英语语法公开课的教学设计为例,探讨如何在语法教学中践行英语学科核心素养。  【关键词】英语学科核心素养;初中英语语法教学;课例分析  【作者简介】刘芳,安庆市第十一中学。一、背景  语法教学一直以来都是外语教学的焦点问题。
【摘要】标点符号是书面语的重要组成部分,也是书面语不可缺少的辅助工具。中英标点符号存在着一些写法和用法上的差异。本文重点对英语汉语中比较常见的标点符号进行了写法和用法上的对比分析,试图通过比较它们的相同之处和不同之处,从而帮助使用者减少标点使用偏误的产生。  【关键词】标点符号;起源;中英标点符号对比  【作者简介】马雪莹(1991- ),女,汉族,辽宁沈阳人,辽宁师范大学海华学院教师,硕士研究生
【摘要】培养创造性的人才是时代发展的要求,是社会进步的体现。在小学英语课堂教学中,教师应努力培养学生的创造性思维能力,使之适应时代教育的发展。本文从三方面叙述了英语课堂发展学生创造性思维的具体方法。  【关键词】小学英语;创造思维;品质提高;培养策略  【作者简介】宋惠芳,刘余,河北省保定市高新区小学。  经济及科学技术的飞速发展,需要培养创造性人才是时代发展要求。开发学生的创造性思维,是小学英语
【摘要】本文以小学英语教学中的词汇教学,句型、对话教学以及故事教学为场景,详细阐述了精心设计的可以贯穿其间的德育渗透,即实现了教书又实现了育人。  【关键词】英语教学;场景;德育渗透;教书;育人  【作者简介】尹延增(1963-),男 ,山东莱芜张家洼人,山东省东营市胜利孤岛第一小学,专科,研究方向:英语教学研究。  在日常教学中,进行有效的德育渗透,不仅能完善英语教学,还能陶冶学生的情操,使他们