“创伤”的病理学研究始于十九世纪七十年代,现已发展成为一项跨学科研究。心理创伤研究在第一次世界大战后的英美国家掀起了热潮,创伤理论主要用于研究战争对军人所造成的心理创伤及治疗方法。德国小说家埃里希·玛利亚·雷马克的小说《西线无战事》(All Quiet on the Western Front,以下简称《西线》)是描写第一次世界大战最有代表性的作品。本文将从创伤理论的视角对《西线》进行解读,解释此作品为何是一部疗伤之作。
The pathological study of Trauma began in the 1870s and has now developed into an interdisciplinary study. Psychological trauma research started the upsurge in the Anglo-American countries after the First World War. Trauma theory is mainly used to study the psychological trauma caused by the war and the treatment methods. The novel “All Quiet on the Western Front” by German novelist Erich Maria Remark is one of the most representative works describing the First World War. This article will interpret “West Line” from the perspective of trauma theory and explain why this work is a healing treat.