黄瓜(Cucumis sativusL.)是典型的冷敏型植物。对黄瓜来说,冷害是生产上制约其丰产、优质的主要逆境因素之一。为了掌握黄瓜耐冷性遗传规律,加快黄瓜耐冷品种的选育,本研究选取黄瓜耐冷型品系0839和低温敏感型品系B52为亲本杂交得到F1和F2,进行苗期低温鉴定和遗传分析。供试亲本的耐冷性主要受一对显性单基因控制。结合BSA(群体分离分析)和SSR分子标记,获得了与黄瓜耐冷性主效基因连锁的SSR标记。通过F2群体分析,鉴定出与耐冷性基因连锁的分子标记SSR07248,该标记与耐冷性基因间的遗传距离为32.6cM。
Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) is a typical cold sensitive plant. For cucumbers, chilling is one of the major adverse factors in production that constrain their high yield and quality. In order to grasp the genetic rule of cucumber cold tolerance and to speed up the breeding of cold-resistant cucumber varieties, F1 and F2 were selected from the cold-tolerant cucumber lines 0839 and the low-temperature sensitive line B52 for the identification of low-temperature seedling and genetic analysis. The cold tolerance of the tested parents was mainly controlled by a dominant single gene. Combined with BSA (population segregation analysis) and SSR molecular markers, the SSR markers linked to the major cold tolerance genes of cucumber were obtained. Through F2 population analysis, molecular marker SSR07248 linked to cold tolerance gene was identified. The genetic distance between the marker and cold tolerance gene was 32.6 cM.