●在探询钌金属催化剂是如何在多种工艺中得到应用的,在这次的林道会议上,来自德国海德堡大学的丽贝卡·梅伦(Rebecca Melen),就其关心的问题与2005年诺贝尔化学奖获奖者之一的罗伯特·格拉布(Robert Grubbs)进行了对话。罗伯特·格拉布,帕萨迪纳市加州理工学院的化学家,曾因开发烯烃复分解反应和相关催化剂(主要为钌金属催化剂),于2005年与施洛克等三人一起被授予诺贝尔化学奖。烯烃复分解反应是指在金属催化下的碳-碳重键的切断并从新结合
● In exploring how ruthenium metal catalysts are applied in a variety of processes, at this Lindau conference Rebecca Melen from Heidelberg, Germany, discussed the issues of concern with the 2005 Dialogue was held with Robert Grubbs, one of the Bell Chemical Prize winners. Robert Grub, a chemist at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work with olefinic metathesis and related catalysts (mainly ruthenium metal catalysts) in 2005 along with Schlock . Olefin metathesis refers to the metal-catalyzed carbon-carbon double bond cleavage and reunion