●2005年诺贝尔化学奖得主之一的理查德·施洛克(Richard R.Schrock),在林道会议上就其开创的领域,以及烯烃复分解反应研究是否已达巅峰状态,与得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的乔纳森·墨迪克(Jonathan Moerdyk)进行了面对面的交流。理查德·施洛克,坎布里奇麻省理工学院化学教授。曾与罗伯特·格拉布(Robert Grubbs)和伊夫·肖万(Yves Chauvin)因开发烯烃复分解反应,一种能够改变烯烃碳-碳重键的工艺,而共同获得2005年度诺贝尔化学奖。该工艺的发现成就了许多项应用实例的诞生,例如,从昆虫信息素的制备到高性能塑料的生产。
• Richard R. Schrock, one of the 2005 Nobel Prize Laureates in Chemistry, has pioneered the field at Lindau and whether the study of olefin metathesis reached its peak, with the University of Texas at Austin Jonathan Moerdyk held a face-to-face exchange. Richard Schlock, Cambridge, Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor of chemistry. The 2005 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was jointly awarded by Robert Grubbs and Yves Chauvin for the development of olefin metathesis, a process that alters the carbon-carbon multiple bond of olefins. The discovery of this process has led to the birth of many application examples, for example from the preparation of insect pheromones to the production of high-performance plastics.