Female patient, 17 years old, Han nationality. Because no permanent eruption, maxillofacial and primary deformities in April 19, 1985 came to our hospital. Physical examination: general nutrition, normal intelligence. Brown hair, slender, forehead hair scarce. Skin, fingers and nails are normal. Well-developed breasts, mild enlargement of the thyroid gland, no positive signs of heart abdomen. Upper and lower jaw dysplasia, face 1/3 shortening; upper and lower alveolar bone narrow; maxillary palate, palatal line flat, occlusal abnormalities existing maxillary bicuspid, mandibular lateral incisors, canines and double-pointed Most of the teeth were deciduous, and the majority of deformation, mandibular incisors and canine conical deformation .X-ray head showed maxillary dysplasia, osteoporosis more loose; maxillary bicuspid, mandibular, canine and bicuspidate For deciduous teeth, toothless area and alveolar ridge. Patient's parents were three generations of kinship marriages, children's grandfather, grandmother's cousin marriage.Patients with siblings 5, are healthy, of which the only male mental retardation. I no other obvious genetic abnormalities.