熟悉音响器材的发烧友都一定会知道Primare(翩美)这个音响品牌。Primare起源于丹麦,在1980年由Bo Christensen所创立。早年的Primare主要制作Hi-Fi音响器材,后来Bo Christensen离开Primare并创立BOW,而Primare则在新领导人的带领下与DALI合作。与DALI合作后,Primare无论是产品的类型还是名牌的认知度都比以往有所扩大,而技术上新的Primare器材向模组化和高效能的方向发展。其中,这套SP32/A30.7的顶级环绕声功放就是Primare器材模组化和高效能的代表性产品之一。
Fans who are familiar with audio equipment will surely know the audio brand Primare. Primare originated in Denmark and was founded by Bo Christensen in 1980. Early years Primare mainly produced Hi-Fi audio equipment, and later Bo Christensen left Primare and founded BOW, while Primare is working with DALI under the new leadership. In partnership with DALI, Primare has become more recognized both in terms of product type and brand name, and the technically advanced Primare equipment has been developed in a modular and efficient manner. Among them, this SP32 / A30.7 top surround sound amplifier is Primare equipment and high performance one of the representative products.